Ephemera - Military
East Indies
635 British Military Officer Promotion Letter Signed by General
Commander-in-Chief, East Indies Sir William Maynard
Bengal, East Indies, 1853, Letter promoting officer to
“Rank of Lieutenant in the Queen’s Army, in the East Indies only”,
VF condition piece of British military history with intact red seal bot-
tom right corner, signed by Sir William Maynard Gomm.
Est $250-500
Ephemera - Mining
636 Aspen, Colorado early Kodak Photographs, (ca.1890’s).
Colorado, 1 double sided sheet with 4 photographs on each side (8
total images) of early Aspen, they are mounted on printed pages
with “Kodak Photographs” at top, each photo is 5 x 4 inches,
includes images of Hotel Jerome; Court House; E. Stimson’s resi-
dence; and 2 images of downtown Aspen including man (miner?)
sitting on a donkey with buildings behind him as well as an image of
3 early buildings with me walking. Historic early Aspen images.
Evidently from a larger album that was taken apart years ago.. VF
condition with some fading of a couple of the photos and slight
foxing, mostly on the borders and not on the photos
themselves. ...............................................................
Est $400-800
Ephemera - Miscellaneous
637 J.C. Koch Manufacturer of Dynamo Brushes. 1899.
Germany. 1899. J.C. Koch letterhead in color.
Vignette of Koch factory top left corner. Letter is asking client to
test out, if not already done so, the dynamo brushes. VF condition.
(Photo in Back) ..........................................................
Est $40-80
638 Lowell and Petersham United States Mail Coaches, 1842,
Massachusetts, 1842, Original Way-bill, Black print on
blue paper with small coaches top left and right corners, VF condi-
tion. (Photo in Back)..................................................
Est $30-60
639 Mystery Box of 100’s of cheques and Bill Heads, Ca. (late
1800’s- early 1900’s).
Box of Bank cheques and bill heads from late
1800’s to early 1900’s, wide variety of industries and banks, sold AS
IS, no returns. (Photo in Back)....................................
Est $75-150
Ephemera - Organizations
New York
640 Holland Society of New York , 1894, Membership Certificate.
New York, 1894, Holland Society of New York Membership
Certificate, Map of New Netherlands in color on right based on 1656
map by A. Vander Donck Canals of Amsterdam top center above
gold seal, Dutch city crests on left and top margins, VF
condition. ..................................................................
Est $150-300
Ephemera - Political
641 Political and Satirical Philadelphia Bond Club Specimen.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1940. “One Bond Club Buck”. Specimen
printed by SBNC for the club. Banknote sized. Printed in black on
the face and green on the back. Red Specimen overprint and POC.
The face has bucking moose kicking rabbits with initials “SEC”,
“WPA”, “AAA”, “FHA” and “NLRB”. Legend on right of face states
“Buck Board - Bull Beef, No Bear Meat, ...etc”. Back has mule with
the appearance of Roosevelt sitting in box labeled “Our treasury”
and with papers labeled “IOU”, “Deficit”, etc. The note would be AU
but there is a paper clip rest mark on the face and back in the mid-
dle. SBNC. Nice political related banknote. (Photo in Back)
Est $75-120
Washington, D.C.
642 National Intelligencer, 1830’s Newspaper from Washington,
Washington, June 8, 1830. Original newspaper that is 18 x 20.5
inches with 4 pages. Interesting news of the day with ads offering
rewards for runaway slaves as well as well as the misfortune of the
Cherokee Indians transplanted to Georgia from out wEst Numerous
ads and news stories fill the paper. Overall in excellent condition
with a strong vertical fold, small holes in a few places but mostly VF
condition. (Photo in Back) .........................................
Est $25-40
Ephemera - Presidential
643 White House: The official Christmas Card of President and
Mrs. Bush in 1992.
Created by Kamil Kubik (1930-2011) Czech born
artist very popular in America. In a red presidential folio with
embossed seal, 13x17”. Inscribed to “John E. Herzog with great
respect, Kamil Kubik” in pencil. Herzog is the founder of the
Museum of American Finance, which pleased Kubik greatly. With
copies of a photo of the president and the artist, with their wives,
inscribed, and a letter about the 1992 election. ......
Est $100-200
Washinton, D.C.
644 James A. Garfield Memorial Plate form Memorial Book
Printed by the BEP.
1882, 11 x 7 inch engraved card with image of
Garfield in middle with Capital and White House flanking his por-
trait, XF condition, BEP..............................................
Est $150-300
Archives International Auctions, Part XV
June 4, 2013
Archives International Auctions