722 Pacific Railway Co., 1889, $1000 Specimen Bond.
Illinois, 1889,
$1000 30 Year 6% 1st Mortgage Specimen Bond, Black printing with
green border and underprint, No vignette, POC’s and red SPECI-
MEN overprints, VF condition, ABNC. Listed railroad in Cox but only
listed as stock. Rare and attractive bond with only 3 found.
Est $275-550
723 Peoria and Eastern Railway Co., 1890, $1000 Specimen Bond.
Illinois, 1890, $1000 1st Consolidated Mortgage 4% Specimen Bond,
Black printing with green border and underprint, Moving locomo-
tive flanking counter top center, POC’s and red SPECIMEN over-
prints, VF condition, ABNC. Listed railroad in Cox but unlisted color
and vignette variety. .................................................
Est $200-400
724 Peoria and Eastern Railway Co., 1890, $1000 Specimen Bond.
Illinois, 1890, $1000 4% Specimen Bond, Black printing with brown
border and underprint, Allegorical women flanking counter top cen-
ter, POC’s and red SPECIMEN overprints, VF condition, ABNC.
Unlisted railroad in Cox. Rare and attractive bond. ...
Est $180-350
725 Peoria and North Western Railway Co., 1901, $10000
Specimen Bond.
Illinois, 1901, $10000 1st Mortgage 3 1/2% Gold
Specimen Bond, Black printing with orange border and underprint,
Allegorical woman top center with city behind her, POC’s and red
SPECIMEN overprints, ABNC. Unlisted railroad in Cox. Rare and
attractive bond. .........................................................
Est $100-200
726 Pullman’s Palace Car Co. 1870, 18 I/U Stock with Pullman
Autograph as President.
Illinois. Pullman’s Palace Car Co., 1870,
18 Shares I/C Stock, Black italic lettering with no vignette, POC’s, VF
condition. RedWashington 25cent Revenue stamp. George Pullman
(1831-1897) signature as President of the railway sleeper car compa-
ny he started in 1870. (Photo in Back) .......................
Est $90-180
727 St. Louis, Peoria and North Western Railway Co., 1913,
$10000 Specimen Bond.
Illinois, 1913, $10000 1st Mortgage Gold
Registered 5% Specimen Bond, Black printing with red border and
underprint, Locomotive passing under bridge with one moving on
top, POC’s and red SPECIMEN overprints, VF condition, ABNC.
Unlisted railroad in Cox. ............................................
Est $200-400
728 Wabash Railroad Co., 1904, $1000 Specimen Bond.
$1000 Series A 5% Equipment Gold Specimen Bond, Black printing
with red border and underprint, Moving locomotive top center,
POC’s, VF condition, FLBNC. Listed railroad in Cox but unlisted
bond variety. .............................................................
Est $150-300
729 Wabash, Saint Louis and Pacific Railway Co. ‘Indianapolis
Division’, 1881, $1000 Specimen Bond.
1881, $1000 1st
Mortgage 6% Specimen Bond, Black printing with ornate black bor-
der and underprint, Cherub and allegorical woman flanking counter
at top Native Americans looking at moving locomotive bottom cen-
ter, POC’s and red SPECIMEN overprints, Fine condition, ABNC.
Listed railroad in Cox but unlisted division for bonds.
Est $250-500
Archives International Auctions, Part XV
June 4, 2013
Archives International Auctions