Archive International Auctions Part XV U.S. & World Banknotes,Coins,Scripophily,Security Printing Ephemera and Selections from the Hamtramck Collection - page 69

Scripophily - Real Estate
New York
524 Uris Buildings Corp. Issued Stocks and Bonds, Lot of 5.
York. 1960’s-1970’s. Issued Bond and Stock. Pin-punch cancelled.
VF condition, ABNC & SBNC. (Photo in Back) ...........
Est $50-100
Scripophily - Sports
525 Racquet and Tennis Club 1890 Issued Bond.
New York, 1890,
$500, 6% 2nd Mortgage Income Bond, Black print with ornate bor-
der, Club’s building top center, VF condition, ABNC.
(Photo in Back) ..........................................................
Est $75-150
Washington, D.C.
526 Congressional Country Club 1928 Issued Bond.
D.C., 1928, $100, 6% 2nd Deed of Trust Gold Bond, Issued and
Uncancelled, #C472, Photo of country club top center, VF condition
with small staple holes top center. Private golf club in Bethesda,
Maryland that has held the PGA Championship once and the U.S.
Open three times. .....................................................
Est $100-200
Scripophily - Utilities
New York
527 Yonkers City Ice Co., 1891, Specimen Bond
Yonkers, NY, 1891,
$250, 6% Bond, S/N 0000, Black on green border with red under-
print, attractive design, appears XF but slightly cut into the left mar-
gin, POC’s. HLBNC. (Photo in Back) ..........................
Est $85-150
528 Flagstaff Mutual Telephone Co., 1907, 2 Shares I/U Stock
Arizona, 1907, 2 Shares, I/U Stock Certificate, Cert
#98, Black print with black ornate border, No vignette, VF condi-
tion, Hall Litho Co. (Photo in Back) ...........................
Est $80-160
529 Southwestern Telephone Co., 1894, 2 1/2 Shares I/C Stock
Colorado, 1894, 2 1/2 Shares, I/C Stock Certificate, Cert
#62, Black printing with ornate black border and green underprint,
Eagle with shield top center, VF condition. (Photo in Back)
Est $60-120
Scripophily - Mining
530 Alaska Commercial and Mining Company, 1899 Issued Stock.
Alaska (Incorporated in Chicago, IL), 1899, 200 Shares, Issued and
uncancelled stock certificate, Elk on top with beehive on bottom
with gold foil seal and ornate border in brown and black, VF condi-
tion, Rare early Alaska Gold Rush stock certificate. ...
Est $350-700
531 Turnagain Arm Gold Mining Co. 1906 Alaska Gold Bond.
Alaska, 1906, $10, 6% Gold Bond, S/N #997, I/U bond with coupons
attached, Black text with green border and underprint, no vignettes,
XF condition. Mines probably located in the Hope-Sunrise area on
the Turnagain Arm side of the Kenai Peninsula, where gold was dis-
covered in 1895. This area is not far from the very first discovery of
gold in Alaska by the Russians in 1849. Scarce Alaska
mining bond...............................................................
Est $150-300
532 Arizona Co-Operative Mercantile Institute, 1889, 1 I/C Stock.
Mormon related certificate.
Territory of Arizona, 1889, 1 Share
I/C, Stock Certificate, Cert#269, Arizona State Seal center, VF con-
dition, Levison & Blythe Stationary Co. The store was part of the
Mormon Cooperative Stores, which allowed community members
the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of jointly purchasing bulk
quantities of goods at lower prices. Jesse N. Smith (1834-1906) sig-
nature as president. Jesse Smith was first cousin to Joseph Smith Jr.,
founder of the church of Latter Day Saints. He also helped colonize
areas of Arizona and Utah with Mormon settlements and was a
politician in both Arizona and Utah. ..........................
Est $150-300
533 Arizpe Mining Co., Specimen Stock.
Arizpe Mining Co.,
Specimen Stock. Mexico and Arizona, 19xx (1908). Specimen Stock,
Odd Shs, Black on burnt orange-brown, Mexican arms in middle of
Eagle and snake, VF to XF condition, rare stock certificate from a
New York Bank Note Company sample book, unique in archive.
NYBNC. (Photo in Back).............................................
Est $20-40
534 Bushwhacker Mining Co., 1897. I/C Stock.
Colorado. 1897.
70000 Shares I/C Stock. #1381. Black print on green border and
underprint with vignette top center of miners. Fine condition.
ABNC. (Photo in Back) ..............................................
Est $75-150
535 Eckert Gold Mining and Milling Company, 1904 Issued Cripple
Creek Stock Certificate.
Cripple Creek, Colorado, 2000 Shares,
Issued and uncancelled, Black on gold border and underprint, large
central mining vignette, VF condition, Mines located in Cripple
Creek. ........................................................................
Est $120-240
536 Free Coinage Gold Mining Co., 1892 Cripple Creek Stock.
Colorado. 1892. 500 shares I/C Stock. #29. Black print with black
border and gold underprint and seal. Bald Eagle vignette top center.
Fine condition. (Photo in Back) .................................
Est $80-160
Archives International Auctions, Part XV
June 4, 2013
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