Archive International Auctions Part XV U.S. & World Banknotes,Coins,Scripophily,Security Printing Ephemera and Selections from the Hamtramck Collection - page 71

550 Bell Silver and Copper Mining Co., 1881, 250 Shs. I/U Stock.
Montana. Bell Silver and Copper Mining Co. 1881, 250 Shares I/U
Stock, #1018, Black print with black border and underprint, Liberty
Bell vignette top center, VF condition, L.F. Lawrence & Co. (Photo
in Back)......................................................................
Est $80-160
Montana Territory
551 Eastern Montana Mining and Smelting Co., 1877. I/C Stock.
Montana Territory. 1877. 400 I/C Stock. #141. Black print and border
with vertical mining vignette on right. Purple cancelled stamps. VF
condition. A.L Bancroft & Co. Lith. Mine location is Clark’s Fork,
Wyoming. (Photo in Back).........................................
Est $90-180
552 Goodman Gold and Silver Mining Co., 1877 Stock Certificate.
Virginia City, Nevada, 1877, 1000 Shares, Issued and ink cancelled,
Miners on left and right with title in middle, Mines located in Devil’s
Gate Mining District, S/N 183, VF condition. (Photo in Back)
Est $80-160
New York
553 Beauce Gold Mining and Milling Co., 1881. I/C Stock.
York. 1881. 100 Shares I/C Stock. #2201. Black print with black
ornate border and underprint. Vignette of Beavers top right con-
structing a dam and small mining vignette bottom center. VF condi-
tion. ABNC. Location of mine St. Francis, Beauce County Quebec,
Canada. (Photo in Back)............................................
Est $75-150
554 Breece Mining Co. 1880 Issue Stock.
New York. 1880. 100
Shares I/U Stock. #1456. Black print with green border and under-
print. Mining vignette top center. Fine condition. FBNC. (Photo in
Est $90-180
555 Colorado Investment Co., 188x, Lot of 109 Bound Unissued
Stock Certificates.
New York, 188x, Lot of 109 Stock Certificates,
Cert.#’s 391-500, Black print with ornate border, Eagle with shield
top center, VF-XF condition, W.E. Badeau. ...............
Est $150-300
556 Tioga Coal, Iron, Mining & Manufacturing Co. Issued Stock.
New York, 1842, 100 Shares, Issued Stock, Black print with ornate
borders, Vignette of very early locomotive top center flanked by
portraits of notable gentlemen, VF condition, DTLC..
Est $100-200
557 Arlington Mining Co., 1890, $500 Issued Bond.
Oregon, 1890,
$500 8% Issued Bond, S/N 53, Black printing with brown border and
“$500” underprint in yellow, Allegorical women flanking company
title, VF condition, Anderson Lith Co. (Photo in Back)
Est $90-180
558 Eastern Coke Co., Specimen Bond - Mining & Steel
Production Related.
Eastern Coke Co., Specimen Bond.
Pennsylvania, 1917, $1000, 1st Mortgage 5% 14 Year Sinking Fund
Gold Specimen Bond, Mine top center, VF condition, HBNC. (Photo
in Back)......................................................................
Est $25-40
559 Hostetter Coke Co., 1887, $500 Specimen Bond,
1887, $500 1st Mortgage 5% Specimen Bond, Black printing with
green border and underprint, Locomotive pulling up to mining facil-
ity top center, POC’s, VF condition, FBNC. (Photo in Back)
Est $95-190
560 Wyoming Valley Collieries Co., Specimen Bond.
Valley Collieries Co., Specimen Bond. Delaware, 1936, $1000, 1st
Mortgage Leasehold 10 Year 5% Sinking Fund Specimen Bond, VF
condition, HBNC. (Photo in Back) ..............................
Est $20-40
Pennsylvania & Connecticut
561 Connecticut and Schuylkill Coal & Iron Company, 1861 Issued
New London, Connecticut, 1861, 20 Shares, Issued and
uncancelled stock certificate, Black on off white paper, locomotive
passing building top middle, VF condition, rare and early mining cer-
tificate. (Photo in Back).............................................
Est $80-160
Photography - Mining
South Dakota
562 Albumen Photograph of Homestake Mine, Leadville South
Dakota, Ca. 1880’s.
Leadville, South Dakota. Ca.1880’s, Albumen
photograph of main mine works and the accompanying buildings,
Image is 9 1/4” X 6 1/2” on cracked and brittle mount, Photograph by
Grabill. Until it closed in 2002 it was the largest and deepest gold
mine in North America, producing more than 40 million ounces of
gold. ..........................................................................
Est $120-240
Washington, D.C.,
563 Chippewa Coal and Enterprises Corp. 1924 Bond with
Multi-Color Native American Portrait.
Washington, D.C., 1924,
$500, 1st Mortgage 8% Gold Bond, M/C Portrait of Native America
with feather in head, S/N 13, XF condition, Attractive and rare bond.
SBNC. (ex. R.M.Smythe, 1996, 9th Annual Strasburg,
Lot 1234). ..................................................................
Est $120-240
West Virginia
564 Melones Mining Co., 1920. I/C Stock.
West Virginia. 1920. 100
I/C Stock. #C461. Black print with yellow border and underprint.
Mining top left. Star punch cancellations. VF condition. NYBNC.
(Photo in Back) ..........................................................
Est $50-100
565 Associate Mining and Investment Co., Specimen Stock
Certificate from Hamilton BNC Sample Book.
Associate Mining
and Investment Co., Unissued Stock. New York, 188x, Unissued
Stock, 100 Shares, #502, Reclined allegorical woman top center, VF
condition, HBNC. (Photo in Back) ..............................
Est $30-50
566 Consolidated Manganese Co., Specimen Stock.
Manganese Co., Specimen Stock. Maine, ND, Specimen Stock, 100
Shares, Mining vignette, VF-XF condition, HBNC. Probably a west-
ern mine. (Photo in Back)...........................................
Est $25-40
Scripophily - Oil & Gas
567 Diana Oil Company, 1900 Issued Stock Certificate.
California, 1900, 25 Shares, S/N 6, Issued and uncancelled, No
vignette, Stamp on top left, VF condition. (Photo in Back)
Est $40-70
Archives International Auctions, Part XV
June 4, 2013
Archives International Auctions
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