Archive International Auctions Part XV U.S. & World Banknotes,Coins,Scripophily,Security Printing Ephemera and Selections from the Hamtramck Collection - page 75

608 Henry Miller Signed Letter, 1944, American Writer.
Big Sur,
California, 1944, Henry Miller signed letter on personal letterhead
dated 6/13/44, Part of letterhead included sketch of the back of a
individual, Letter is to an acquaintance regarding new books coming
out and their costs, Envelope letter came in is included, VF condition
ALS. Miller (1891-1980) was an American writer and painter known
for his works; Tropic of Cancer (1934), Black Spring (1936), and
Tropic of Capricorn (1939). Publication of the Tropic of Cancer in
1961 in the U.S by Grove Press led to a series of obscenity trials that
tested the U.S laws on pornography just prior to the advent of the
Sexual Revolution. ....................................................
Est $250-500
609 Noel Coward Signed Letter, 1958.
February 6, 1958, Noel
Coward signature on typed letter with 404 East 55th Street New
York Letterhead. VF condition LS. Coward (1899-1973) was a British
playwright, composer, director, actor and singer. .....
Est $140-280
Autographs - Military
610 Charles George “Chinese” Gordon Signed Letter (1883) along-
side Engraved Portrait of Gordon.
Major General Charles
George Gordon Engraved Portrait, 4 3/4” x 7 1/2”, Engd by J.J. Cade,
New York. Mounted with the portrait is a letter (4 1/2” x 7 1/2”) writ-
ten and signed by Gordon in Jerusalem 1883, VF condition.
Est $400-800
Autographs -
611 Assortment of Miscellaneous Autographs Including Eddie
Rickenbacker and Eve Curie, Lot of 5.
Lot of 5 Miscellaneous
Autographs. 1). 1945, Josephus Daniels signed letter on his person-
al letterhead, VF condition. Daniels (1862-1948) was a well known
newspaper editor and publisher and also the 41st Secretary of the
Navy. 2). 1944, Bernard DeVoto signed letter on his personal letter-
head, DeVoto (1897-1955) was an American writer who specialized
in the history of the American WEst 3). 1907, Henry Van Dyke,
American author and clergyman, signed card, VF. 4). Eddie
Rickenbacker signature on card with “Signature”, “Address: 10
Rockefeller Plaza New York, New York” type on it, Fine condition.
Rickenbacker (1890-1973) is a Medal of Honor Recipient for his 26
“kills” during WW1. Rickenbacker bought the Indianapolis Motor
Speedway in 1927 a result of his passion for automobile racing.
From the 1930’s till the 1960’s he headed up Eastern Airlines until
after years of decline he was forced from the board. 5). 1941, Eve
Curie journalist and humanitarian best known for her biography of
her mother, Madame Curie, signed typed letter. ......
Est $120-240
Autographs - Notable
Washington, D.C.
612 Eleanor Roosevelt Signed Letter and Envelope, 1944.
26, 1944, Eleanor Roosevelt signed typed letter on White House let-
terhead, VF condition LS. White House Envelope with postmark and
stamp also included, Fine condition. Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962)
aside from being first lady between 1933 -1945 was also the First
Lady of New York (1929-1932), United States Representative to the
United Nations Commission on Human Rights (1947-1953), United
States Delegate to the United Nations General Assembly (1946-
1952), and Chairman of the Presidential Commission on the Status
of Women (1961-1962). At her memorial in 1962 Adlai Stevenson
asked “What other single human being has touched and trans-
formed the existence of so many?”. ...........................
Est $150-300
Thomas Edison Autograph With Edison
613 Edison Autograph Signed Note on Letterhead.
Lot of 3 Edison
related Ephemera items; 1). Letter to Edison Pioneers with mem-
bership form. Edison pioneers was a group formed by and for asso-
ciates and employees of Thomas Edison; 2). 191x, 2 Northwestern
Electric Equipment Co. Specimen Stock certificates, VF condition;
3). 1890, Letter written in pencil and signed by Edison discussing
expenses written on the back of “Central Station Construction
Dept.” Letterhead with Thos. A. Edison, 65 Fifth Ave. NY on top, VF
condition. ..................................................................
Est $1500-3000
614 Helen Keller Signed Letter and Black and White Photograph,
Lot of 2 signatures. Includes July 9, 1948, Helen Keller signed
letter on American Foundation for Overseas Blind Inc. Letterhead.
Letter is regarding helping the blind individuals of post WWII Europe
with donations toward a $300,000 emergency fund. Also included is
a black and white photograph Keller (1880-1968), she was the first
blind deaf person to earn a bachelor of arts degree and was known
as a political advocate for the rights of people with disabilities.
Lyndon Johnson awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom in
1964. .........................................................................
Est $500-1000
Archives International Auctions, Part XV
June 4, 2013
Archives International Auctions
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