Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
372 City Council of Brunswick Uncut Proprietary Progress ProofSheet.
Brunswick, Georgia, Uncut sheet of 4 notes, 18xx (originally
printed in 1850-60’s, these are ca.1960-70’s), $1-$2-$3-$5, (Haxby
Unlisted), Printed without green border and underprint, only black
printing of vignettes, titles and text, Modern “Proprietary Proof ”, Black
printing without border or underprint printed on thin white card, CU
to Gem Uncirculated condition. ABNC. Rare as uncut sheet. (ABN
Commemoratives, AIA XI, May 15, 2012) ������������������������������������Est.
373 County of Merriwether 1862 Obsolete Banknote Pair.Greenville,
GA. $2 and $10, 1862 dated notes. Washington in middle flanked by
attractive red and black county issue printed on fragile tissue-like paper.
The $2 grading Fine with small repairs and the $10 in exceptional
condition and possibly grade XF to AU with splits in the thin paper. Est.
374 County of Merriwether 1863 Obsolete Banknote Pair.Greenville,
GA. $5 and $10, Jan. 1, 1863 dated notes. Washington in middle flanked
by attractive red and black county issue printed on fragile tissue-like
paper. They have survived amazingly intact, grading Choice Fine to Very
Fine with small faults, still attractive and in better condition then usually
found. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
375 Jasper County Scrip Note Quartet, 1862 Obsolete Banknotes.Monticello, GA. Lot of 4 notes, Includes 10 cents; 15 cents; 25 cents and
$1, all dated in 1862. all printed on black with red protectors on very thin
paper, some with voids, small tears, in the case of the 25 cent note, small
pieces missing. Scarce assortment, mostly Fine to VF.�����������������Est.
376 State of Georgia Confederate Steamship Advertising Banknote,ca.1863.
Milledgeville, Georgia, January 1st, 1863, $1, GA-CR12 (P-
S863), Steamship Company advertising note on back of issued banknote.
S/N 15495, locomotive in middle R-L with green Treasury seal on
upper left, back has red advertisement for “General R.R. and Steamship
Ticket Office “No.4”, Kimball House, Atlanta, Georgia, R.D.Mann,
Agt., “Redeemable in genuine Confederate States Treasury Notes when
presented in sums of $50 .....”. PMG graded “64 Choice Uncirculated”.
Evidently this was issued during the Civil War since all of the destinations
include numerous areas in England and the Caribbean with no mention
of any Northern states. High grade Confederate advertising banknote,
rare as such. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.