Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
341 Poor’s Manual of Railroads - 1888 with Security Engraver Advertising Plates.New York, 1888 manual, over 1300 pages, includes
numerous illustrated ads, railroads listed for 1888 and the highlights being
the New York BNC engraved plate; an engraved page with locomotive
for the front page of the Poor’s manual by ABNC; and a Poor’s directory
of Railway Officials, also by ABNC. Fine to VF condition. Sold “As Is”.
342 Poor’sManual of Railroads - 1894 and 1919withSecurity Engraver Advertising Plates.New York, Lot of 2 Manuals, Includes 1894 manual,
over 1300 pages, includes numerous illustrated ads, railroads listed for
1894, with the highlights being the Western BNC engraved plate; an
engraved page with locomotive for the front page of the Poor’s manual
by ABNC; and a Homer Lee BNC ad note. Also Includes a 1919 Poor’s
Manual also in Fine condition. Sold “As Is”. �����������������������������������Est.
343 U.S. Counterfeit Detector Front Plate by Continental Bank Note Co., ca. 1860’s.New York, Attractive CBNC Vignette Sheet with
engravings and images of denomination counters, allegorical figures,
young woman and Queen Victoria, VF condition, mounted on card
board backing. CBNC.������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
South Carolina
344 Planters & Mechanics Bank Uncut Sheet of 4 Proprietary Proofs.Charleston, South Carolina. Lot of 4 notes (uncut sheet of 4), ND
(printed 1850-60’s, this sheet is ca.1970’s), $10-10-10-10, (SC-25-G24a),
Modern “Proprietary Proofs”. Black printing without underprint,
printed on thin white card, Uncirculated to CU+ condition. ABNC.
Archival “Proprietary” proofs rarely seen in sheet form. �����������Est.
U.S. and Brazil
345 U.S. Advertising Banknote Modeled After Brazil Banknote,ca.1900-20’s.
A look-alike advertising banknote of the same design,
colors and layout, but with different vignette and titled “West Shore
Railroad and “100 Per Cent” denomination. Uniface. Blue Specimen
overprint and serial # 00005. AU. ABNC. �������������������������������������Est.
346 Uzbekistan State Security Production Enterprises brochures.Uzbekistan. One color brochure “Davlatr Belgisi” showing the security
printing facility, printed in three languages, 1991. 16 pages, card cover;
Folder of 13 pages which house 10 paper samples., Finally a US BEP
intaglio print of the US Capitol. �����������������������������������������������������Est.