Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
405 Jefferson County Bank. Uniface Proof.New York, Watertown. After
1827. 1- Dollars. Designated as a Safety Fund bank due to its soundness
and reliability. Bold intaglio impression. Plate marks at left and right
edge, ink mark at top edge. Choice Extremely Fine. A very nice wide
margin proof. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
406 Joseph Bates, Broker, ND (ca.1850-60’s) Early Stock Broker AdNote.
New York, No. 11 Wall Street, “Prizes cashed in all legalized
Lotteries and information given”, Young woman on lower right, eagle in
middle, back green, XF-AU condition, Scarce and attractive Wall Street
related ad note. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
407 New York State War of 1812 Era Odd Denomination Scrip NoteTrio.
New York, Lot of 3 notes, includes 1). 1815, Corporation of the
City of Albany, 9 cents, I/U, Fine to VF with tape repair on UR; 2). 1816,
Catskill Bank, 6 cents, VG condition; 3). Otisco, NY. 1815, Hamilton &
Skaneateles Turnpike Co., 87 1/2 cents scrip note, VG condition with
large internal pre-printing paper fold. Scarce scrip note trio with rarely
seen odd denominations. ��������������������������������������������������������������Est.
408 R. Lefferts Exchange Office, ca. 1830-40’s Obsolete Scrip Note.Brooklyn, NY. ND (ca.1830-40’s), 12 1/2 cents, Issued scrip note, Cattle
on right, NY arms to center and portrait of man at left, AU to Choice AU
condition. DB&C. ������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
409 Reed’s Dining Room, 345 Grand Street, $10 Ad Note.New York,
$10, ND (ca.1840-50’s) (Vlack-2770 Plate Note), Three story building,
steamship, repaired, splits, Scarce. ������������������������������������������������Est.
New York & New Jersey
410 NY & NJ Obsolete Assortment.Lot of 5 notes, Includes 4 notes
glued together at edges that could possibly removed, Includes 1862, NJ.,
City of Newark, N.J., 25 cents, Fine; Amenia, NY. Hiram Vail’s Banking
and Collection Office, Bank of Pawling, 1862, Issued, Black on green
underprint, S/N 12; City of Albany, 1862, 50 cents, Good to VG; Croton
Falls, NY. 1862, A.B. Whitlock & Bro. - Farmers & Drovers Bank, 10
cents, Fine with missing corner on top right, all are glued on edges; and
New York, 1807, Merchants Bank in the City of New York, $5, mounted
on thin cardboard with extensive glue stains. ������������������������������Est.
North Carolina
411 Bank of Clarendon and Bank of Lexington Issues.North Carolina.
Bank of Clarendon. $5. 1.11.1855. Haxby NC 15-G2a. Both Fine; Bank of
Lexington. $5. 1860-61. Haxby NC 30-G12a. Both Fine. 4 pieces. ����� Est.