Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comWashington, D.C.
347 1868 Plate Printers Union Annual Ball Ticket, Ladies Invitation.Washington, D.C. 1894. Ladies’ ticket printed on thin yellow card. Man
and woman using spider press with ornate text on top and bottom,
ABNC was printer. AU-Unc. Rare Plate Printer ticket. ���������������Est.
348 ABNC numerals, corners, ornaments, values.Selection of india
paper proofs, some mounted on card stock. Some used for Federal
Bonds, others for a variety of items. A wide selection. 110 paper
fragments, some with multiple images. As made.������������������������Est.
349 ABNC vignettes and others.ABNC vignettes india paper mounted
on card: Statue of Liberty, Albert Gallatin (as young and older man),
John Studebaker, Independence Hall (Draper, Welsh & Co), Alexander
Hamilton; Also included: George Washington (2) and Martha
Washington as a large die proof in bright green (1); US Capital, (C) 1913
KB, and Independence Hall on Loan of the City of Philadelphia item. 11
pieces. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
350 DuraNote “Experimental Design” Sample Advertising Note Trio ca. 1990’s Reported to be “Bank of England” Samples.Uncut
horizontal sheet of 3 different colored notes. John Everett Millais Portrait
on right, the left note is light brown, the middle note is light brown and
black and the right note is all black, the backs are all gray and the same
for all 3 notes. Uncirculated to Gem Unc. Rare sample notes on polymer
DuraNote paper. ����������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
351 DuraNote Predecessor Polymer Banknote Advertising NoteSpecimens.
ND, ca.1980-90’s, Lot of 10 different polymer sample notes
with different security elements added. All are 100 Denomination notes
with oil platform on front and back with oil wagon being pulled by
horses, Includes security elements with colorful and ornate designs, all
with variations of the translucent silver and gold security windows on
the counterfoil margins. The notes were part of a project from Mobil
Oil for testing petroleum based hydrocarbon polymer paper for printing
banknotes. All are in Choice to Gem Uncirculated condition. Scarce and
352 JohnMuir Co.Advertising card for a $100 Bond Proof.United States.
Eagle on rock, nice green border. From ABNC archives, with a purple
hand stamp, SPECIMEN overprint and POC. (From the collection of
John E. Herzog)�������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.