Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comNew Jersey
394 City of Newark. 1865.New Jersey. 50-50-100-200 Dollars. Uncut sheet
of four. All with 349 serial #. Fully signed. Folded between notes, Cut
cancelled at mayor’s signature. Three cut edges to sheet. Choice Very
395 Cumberland Bank Uncut Sheet of 2 Proofs.Bridgeton, New Jersey.
Lot of 2 notes (uncut sheet of 4), 18xx (ca.1970’s), $5-5, (NJ-45-G34),
Modern “Proprietary Proofs”. Portrait of marble bust of man on
lower left, man feeding cows hay in middle and young woman blowing
dandelion on right, Black printing without underprint and printed on
thin white card, Uncirculated to Gem Uncirculated condition. ABNC.
Archival “Proprietary” proofs rarely seen in sheet form. ����������Est.
396 Newark Banking & Insurance Co. Uncut Proof Sheet $1-$1-$1-$1.Newark, New Jersey. 18xx (ca.1820’s). This sheet of proofs are from a
later 1860’s printing from the original copper plates for archival purposes.
Plates N-O-P-Q. Printed on India paper, mounted on original card and
affixed to brown paper scrapbook page. Handwritten text on top of
manila page states “Plate No.12 - Copper - Issued 1826”....”Emissions
of “A. Beach Cash.” “Wm.M.Vermilye Cash.” & “J.D.Vermilye Cash”.
A similar sheet was in the 1990 ABN auction but it has probably been
cut up since then. Very possibly unique as sheet. Excellent condition
with slightly wavey paper, otherwise Uncirculated. Printed originally by
Fairman, Draper, Underwood & Co. with this sheet printed by ABNC as
part of their archival record. (Ex-Stacks “Philadelphia Americana Sale”
from October 2009). �����������������������������������������������������������������Est.
397 Newark Whaling, Sealing & Manufacturing Co. 1837 Scrip Note with Whaling Vignette.Newark, NJ. 12 1/2 cents, Wait 1543, Issued
banknote, Black on light brown paper, whalers harpooning whale with
coins on left and right, Good condition with ragged left and bottom
margins with small pieces missing, otherwise attractive and rare note.