Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
388 Bank of the Capital Uncut Sheet of 2 Progress Proofs & Border Proprietary Proofs.Lansing, Michigan. Uncut sheet of 2 notes, (uncut
sheet of 2 of the vignette and text), 1859 (ca.1960-70’s), $3-5, (MI-230-
G2a ($5); $3 not listed in Haxby), Modern “Proprietary Proofs”. Black
printing without underprint, printed on thin white card, Uncirculated
condition. ABNC. Archival “Proprietary” proofs rarely seen in sheet
form. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Mid-Eastern States
389 Mid-EasternObsoleteAssortmentLot of 11 notes, includes Maryland
(5) including Somerset and Worcester Savings Bank (4); Ohio; Michigan
and Pennsylvania issues. VG to AU. Sold “As is”, no returns accepted.
390 Bank of NorthfieldUncut Sheet of 3 Proprietary Proofs Error - Mis-registration of Colors.
Northfield, Minnesota. Lot of 3 error notes
(uncut sheet of 3), 18xx (originally printed in the 1850’s but reprinted
ca.1960-70’s), $1-$2-$3, (MN-98-G2a; G4a; G6a), Modern “Proprietary
Proof ” sheet trio. The $1 note has seated reaper and young allegorical
woman flanking numeral “1” on lower middle left; the $2 note has
Native American family in canoe in middle, Young woman on LL and
allegorical woman with “2” on LR; The $3 note has seated agricultural
woman with grain and locomotive on upper left, male reaper with large
scythe on LR and portrait of young attractive woman in middle top.
Black printing with brick red underprint, printed on thin white card,
Choice to Gem Uncirculated condition. ABNC, Rare as uncut error
sheet of this proof only issue with the black overprint off center by 1/4
of an inch or more. ����������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
391 Mississippi & Alabama Rail Road Co. 100 Dollars. 1838.Brandon,
Mississippi, $100, Issued and Uncancelled, Locomotive in middle with
allegorical justices on left and right with man’s portrait flanking train,
S/N 58, VF to XF with internal pre-printing paper fold on left. DTLC.
392 Cairo & St. Louis Railroad, 1877Obsolete Scrip Note Pair.St.Louis,
Missouri, February, 1877, Uncut pair (2), 25 cts, Possible specimen, Black
on light yellow paper, locomotive on bottom left margin, ornate title, 25
denomination in center, back has additional text about scrip note, 2.5
by 1.5 inches, Choice AU to Uncirculated condition with perforations
on the left and right margins. St.Louis BNC was the printer and was
acquired in the early 1880’s by Western BNC. �����������������������������Est.
New Hampshire
393 W.A. Farr, Sutler, 14th Regiment N.H. Volunteers, 1864 Sutler Scrip.New Hampshire, $-odd, Unissued Sutler Scrip,
Uncirculated. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.