433 Republic of Poland, 1920, $50 Specimen Bond.
Poland, 1920,
$50 20 Year 6% Specimen Bond, Black on green multi tone border
and underprint, No vignette, Red s/n “00000” overprint, VF condi-
tion, ABNC. ...............................................................
Est $150-300
Puerto Rico
434 San Juan Light and Transit Co., 1901, $1000 Specimen Bond.
San Juan, 1901, $1000 6% Specimen Gold Bond, Black print with
brown border and underprint, Allegorical woman grasping electrici-
ty top center with cherubs to the left and right, POC’s and red SPEC-
IMEN overprints, VF condition, ABNC. ......................
Est $350-700
435 Banque De La Fonciere Du Gouvernment de Kherson, 1915
Issued Bond With Hebrew Text on Back.
Odessa, Russia, 1915,
1000 Rubles, Issued and uncancelled 4 1/2% Bond, Black on red bor-
der and underprint, Agricultural scene on top middle, S/N 06525,
Coupons attached, Hebrew text on back border area. Odessa was a
major center of Jewish Culture in Russia up until World War I but the
Jewish population was seriously reduced after numerous pogroms
taking place between the early 1800’s to 1905. Yiddish cultural her-
itage influenced and was influenced by the Russian Culture of
Odessa. Appears in VF condition but a piece has been added
and repaired on the top right margin. Rare Judaica item.
(Photo in Back) ..........................................................
Est $75-150
436 Russia, 1917 Freedom Loans Debenture Bonds.
Russia, 1917,
1000 Rubles, P-37F, 5% Issued Bond with coupons attached, S/N
#273852, Black on red border and underprint, VF condition with
some toning. These bonds were seized by the Soviet Union during
the Bolshevik Revolution and it wasn’t until an agreement with the
British government during the mid 1980’s that holders received
some value for the bonds. (Photo in Back) ................
Est $40-80
437 Russian 5% Annuity, 1822, 111 Sterling or 720 Rouble Loan
Contracted by N.M. Rothschild.
Russia, 1822, 111 Sterling or 720
Roubles 5%Russian Loan, #96910, Imperial Russia Coat of Arms top
center, Fine condition with splitting, toning piece missing in center
and archival tape on back. Russian Loan contracted by N.M.
Rothschild. ................................................................
Est $100-200
438 City of Berne, Switzerland 1920 Issue Specimen Bond.
Switzerland, November 1, 1920, $1000. Municipal External Loan of
1920 - 8%. 25 Year Sinking Fund Gold Bond. Allegorical reaper with
child seated, Facsimile signature of the Mayor of Berne. Orange
border and undertint. Red specimen overprints, “00000” serial num-
bers and POC’s. XF condition. Coupons attached. ABNC. Rare Swiss
bond with only 2 found in archives.............................
Est $600-1200
439 City of Berne, Switzerland 1920 Issue Specimen Bond.
Switzerland, November 1, 1920, $500. Municipal External Loan of
1920 - 8%. 25 Year Sinking Fund Gold Bond. Allegorical reaper with
child seated, Facsimile signature of the Mayor of Berne. Green bor-
der and undertint. Red specimen overprints, “00000” serial numbers
and POC’s. VF condition with splits on top horizontal margins.
Coupons attached. ABNC. Rare Swiss bond with only 2 found in
Est $600-1200
Archives International Auctions, Part XV
June 4, 2013
Archives International Auctions