Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1217 Tsihar Hsing Yeh Bank, 1926 Issue Banknote.Kalgan, China. 20
Coppers, P-S848bm S/M#C1-41b, Issued, Brown on boue underprint,
mountain village at center, VF to Choice VF. Scarce note. (Pogrebetsky
Family Archives).���������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1218Yu Ning Guan Yin Qian Hao, 1903 Cash IssueKiangnan, China.
Guang Xu year 2 [1903], 1 Cash Ch’uan, Pick-S1161, S/M#C107-1,
Issued banknote, coiled dragon at top, blue and red on light green, 8
large Chinese characters printed in red on top, back black with large red
seals, Fine to Choice Fine condition. ��������������������������������������������Est.
1219Yu Ning Imperial Bank, JuneYr.33 (1907) Copper Coin IssueChina,
100 Coppers, P-S1175a, S/M# C107-22a, Issued banknote. Dragon at
top, Fine condition with mounting remnants on back and some ink on
back having been removed. (The Pogrebetsky Family Archives, Part 1)
1220 Yu Ning Imperial Bank, June Yr.33 (1907) Copper Coin Issue Banknote Pair.China, Lot of 2 notes, Both are 100 Coppers, P-S1175a,
S/M# C107-22a, Issued banknote. Dragon at top, VG to Choice VG
condition with spindle holes on top, internal splitting and minor edge
faults, one with the top right corner clipped. (2). (Pogrebetsky Family
Archives, Part 2) ���������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1221 Yu Ning Imperial Bank, JuneYr.33 (1907) Copper Coin Issue.China,
100 Coppers, P-S1175a or b, S/M# C107-22a, Issued banknote. Dragon
at top, Fine with stamp hinge reinforcement horizontally in middle on
back right due to split, 3 pin holes and spindle hole on top, 4 red Chinese
characters on top middle with additional chop mark. (Pogrebetsky
Family Archives, Part 2) ���������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1222 Yu Ning Imperial Bank, JuneYr.33 (1907) Copper Coin Issue.China,
100 Coppers, P-S1175a or b, S/M# C107-22a, Issued banknote. Dragon
at top, Fine with stamp hinge reinforcement horizontally in middle on
back right due to split, 3 pin holes and spindle hole on top, additional
chop marks. (Pogrebetsky Family Archives, Part 2) ��������������������Est.