Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1253 Mars Café, 1942 Shanghai Local Issue Scrip Note.Shanghai, China,
20 cents, P-Unlisted, S/M# Unlisted, Restaurant located at “149 Nanking
Road”, “Credit Coupon for Shanghai Money - 20 Cents FAPI, Issued
scrip note, S/N 030634, olive green with embossed seal, VF-EF, Scarce
Shanghai scrip note. (The Pogrebetsky Family Archives)�������������Est.
1254Nung Ming Exchange Bureau, 1927 Private Banknote.China,
20 cents, P-Unlisted, S/M# Unlisted, Red on m/c, mountain scene in
middle, back purple, Uncirculated, First time seen by cataloger.�Est.
1255 Pinkiang Chamber of Commerce & Harbin Chamber of Commerce Banknote Pair.Harbin, China, Lot of 2 notes, Include 1917 dated, 10
cents, Pinkiang, P-Unlisted, both are in Good+ to almost VG with faults,
pin holes, corner tips missing, both scarce and rarely seen. ��������Est.
1256Pinkiang Chamber of Commerce & Harbin Chamber of Commerce Banknote Pair.Harbin, China, Lot of 2 notes, Includes 1917 dated,
20 cents and 50 cents, Pinkiang, P-Unlisted, both are in Fine to VF
condition. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1257 Pongpu Currency Note, 1927 Private Issue with Spelling Error “Currency” instead of “Currency”.China, 20 Coppers, P-Unlisted,
Remainder, blue green on light green underprint, Sampans on top
middle, back brown, Uncirculated to CU condition with pencil notation
on back. Scarce note with “Currency” spelling error “Currency”.
(Pogrebetsky Family Archives, Part 2) ����������������������������������������Est.
1258Private and Local Banknote Trio.China, Lot of 3 notes, Includes
1924, Ho Hsingjen, 1000 Cash, blue with red overprint, back green,
AU condition; ND (ca.1920-30’s), Da Cheng Cotton Co. LTD., 10 cents,
Shanghai, P-Unlisted, Issued, blue on light orange, ship and train on face,
back red with facing lions, Uncirculated; and 1914, Chung Ho Ch’eng,
500 Cash, P-Unlisted, Issued, Blue on light brown with black txt and red
seals, back gray-black with large red seal, AU condition, attractive private
bank trio. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.