Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1223 Yu Ning Imperial Bank, JuneYr.33 (1907) Copper Coin Issue.China,
100 Coppers, P-S1175a, S/M# C107-22a, Issued banknote. Dragon at
top, Choice VG to Fine condition with spindle hole on top, Scarce note.
(Pogrebetsky Family Archives, Part 2) �����������������������������������������Est.
1224Yue Soo Imperil Bank, 1908 Silver Dollar Issue.Soochow, Kiangsu
Province, China. 1908, 1 Silver Dollar Local Currency, P-S1232b,
S/M#C122-10, Issued banknote, Lower left corner clipped, Brown with
green underprint, back with facing dragons, S/N: Y No.60513, Fine
condition with no edge faults, Rare note in any form. IPCL. (Pogrebetsky
Family Archives, Part 2) ����������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1225 Yue Soo Imperil Bank, 1908 Silver Dollar Issue.Soochow, Kiangsu
Province, China. 1908, 1 Silver Dollar Local Currency, P-S1232b,
S/M#C122-10, Issued banknote, Upper left corner clipped, Brown
with green underprint, back with facing dragons, S/N: Y No.62829,
VF condition with no edge faults, bright colors and relatively firm
paper, Rare note in any form. IPCL. (Pogrebetsky Family Archives,
Part 2)��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1226Yue Soo Imperil Bank, 1908 Silver Dollar Issue.Soochow, Kiangsu
Province, China. 1908, 1 Silver Dollar Local Currency, P-S1232b,
S/M#C122-10, Issued banknote, Upper right corner clipped, Brown
with green underprint, back with facing dragons, S/N: Y No.9790,
Fine to Choice Fine condition with no edge faults, sharp corners and
relatively firm paper, Rare note in any form. IPCL. (Pogrebetsky Family
Archives, Part 2) ����������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1227 Yue Soo Imperil Bank, 1908 Silver Dollar Issue.Soochow, Kiangsu
Province, China. 1908, 5 Silver Dollars Local Currency, P-S1233b,
S/M#C122-11, Issued banknote, Lower right and left corners clipped,
Brown and green underprint, back black and violet with facing dragons,
S/N: L No.7193, VF condition with no edge faults, graffiti on the
borders, Rare note in any form. IPCL. (Pogrebetsky Family Archives,
Part 2)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1228Yue Soo Imperil Bank, 1908 Silver Dollar Issue.Soochow, Kiangsu
Province, China. 1908, 5 Silver Dollars Local Currency, P-S1233b,
S/M#C122-11, Issued banknote, Upper right and left corners clipped,
Brown and green underprint, back black and violet with facing dragons,
S/N: L No.13476, Choice Fine condition with no edge faults and a stain
on the top middles, Rare note in any form. IPCL. (Pogrebetsky Family
Archives, Part 2) ����������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.