Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1209Provincial Bank of Three Eastern Provinces, 1929 “Tientsin” Branch Specimen Banknote.Tientsin, China, 1929, 5 Yuan, P-S2963s2
(S/M#T214-191a), Specimen banknote, Brown on m/c, Specimen
overprints, POC’s, PMG graded Gem Uncirculated 66 EPQ. Attractive
and high grade note. ABNC.���������������������������������������������������������Est.
1210Provincial Bank of Three Eastern Provinces, 1929 Issue Specimen.Three Eastern Province, 1929, 5 Yuan, P-S2963s1. Specimen, Brown on
m/c, Pavilion by pool at center, Red specimen overprints, “00000” serial
number and POC’s, back brown. PMG graded Gem Uncirculated 66
EPQ (Exceptional Paper Quality). This note will be almost impossible to
improve upon with 5 graded at this level with none higher. ABNC. Rare
banknote in high grade. ����������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1211Provincial Bank of Three Eastern Provinces, 1929 Specimen Second “Tientsin” Issue.Tientsin, China, 1929, 1 Yuan, P-S2962s2,
(S/M #T214-190), Black on m/c with pavilion by pool at center, back
black, Rare branch variety. PMG graded Gem Uncirculated 66 EPQ
(Exceptional Paper Quality). ABNC. �������������������������������������������Est.
1212Shansi Provincial Bank, 1937 Banknote.China, 10 Yuan, P-S2680
S/M#S23-111, blue on m/c with pavilion on right, back green with
mountains and buildings, S/N D0986913, Fine to Choice Fine, Printer: 6
characters, attractive and scarce note. ��������������������������������������������Est.
1213 Shansi Provincial Bank. 1937 Issue.China. 10 Yuan. P-S2680.
S/M S23-11. Temple at right end. Village mountain scene on back.
Very Fine. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1214Sinkiang Provincial Government Finance Department Treasury, Yr. 21 (1932) Banknote.China, 5 Taels, P-S1869 S/M#H126-91), Issued
banknote, blue, vertical format, AU condition. Attractive and scarcer
1215 Sinkiang Sub-Prefecture Administration Finance Department
Treasury - 1932 Issue “Official Note”.
5 Taels, P-S1780,
(S/M#H123.5-10), Issued, Snow capped mountains at center, Choice
VG to XF with light stains on the right border. Scarce in higher
grade. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1216Tsihar Hsing Yeh Bank, 1926 Banknote.Peking/Kalgan, China.
20 Cents, P-S848b, S/M#C1-41b, Issued banknote, Signature of Li
En Ching, PMG graded Choice About Uncirculated 58 EPQ, appears
virtually uncirculated, Rare in high condition and only priced in VF in
SCWPM. BEPP. (Pogrebetsky Family Archives, Part 2) ���������������Est.