Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1247Hsian Shu Kan Native Bank, ca. 1920-30’s, Issued Private Banknote.Chowchun, China, 3 Coppers, P-Unlisted, Black on blue
underprint, bridge with monument in middle, back blue with temple,
S/N# 00937, Gem Uncirculated, This was the only example found in the
collection. (Pogrebetsky Family Archives, Part 2) �����������������������Est.
1248I Hsing Tung Bank, 1919 Local Issue Banknote.China, 3 Chiao,
P-Unlisted., Issued, blue on light green wit locomotive in middle, back
green, ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1249Imperial Heilungkiang Private Bank of Wansinfu, 1907 Issue.Chichi char, 3 Tiao, P-Unlisted, Blue on light green underprint, figures
around borders with boat with two men with flag on bottom near
shoreline and various standing men and women on sides , back red with
small text in middle with lions on outer borders, Uncirculated to CU
condition. Scarce and attractive private banknote.�����������������������Est.
1250 International Committee for Assistance and Repatriation of Russian Refugees, 1916 Issue Lottery Ticket.Shanghai, China, 30
Cents, P-Unlisted, Issued, Purple on light blue with red text, Lottery
ticket Part 4 - 29th Issue - “B” Lottery, overprinted on left, Committee
office is located at 14-16 Rue Chu Pao San, Shanghai, S/N 16246, back
with small text in Chinese and English. Rare Russian Revolution-China
related fiscal document. XF-AU condition. First time seen by cataloger.
1251 Kee Kwan Motor Road Co., Ltd., ca.1920-30’s Banknote Assortment.China, Lot of 4 notes, all have bus or automobile images
on the face, Includes 5ct-10ct-20ct-50ct, all are uncirculated to CU
condition. Attractive set of note. �������������������������������������������������Est.
1252 Lin-Zi City 1926, Local Banknote.Lin-Zi City, Shan Dong Province,
China. June 1st, Year 15 (1926), 3000 Cash Coin, P-Unlisted, Issued local
banknote, Brown on light yellow-brown underprint, building at top,
back red and green, gazebo by lake at top, S/N 39991, Fine to Choice
Fine. Rare local banknote. Text states “Good for Lin-Zi City. Additional
text states If Exchanged for 10 Cash Coin Equal to 147 Copper Coin.
Rare local note. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.