Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1188Kirin Yung Heng Provincial Bank, 1928 Issue.China, 1928, 2 Tiao,
P-S1076 (S/M #C76-142), Issued banknote, Black with red overprints
and black text, back blue with large red seals, AU condition with a thin
on the top left back corner with a small area of printing removed. Also
includes Pogrebetsky’s working research notes about the note written in
Russian. (Pogrebetsky Family Archives). �������������������������������������Est.
1189Kuang Hsin Syndicate of Heilungkiang Banknote Pair.China.
Lot of 2 notes. Includes 10 cents, P-S1575 S/M#H7-40 and 20
Cents, S1576 S/M#H7-41, VG with Repairs. 2 pieces. Scarce in any
condition. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1190Kwangsi Farmers Bank, 1938 Issued Note.China, 5 Yuan, P-S2296
S/M#K32-2, Issued, Green Farmer plowing center, mythical man at left,
back brown, PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 64 NET with note of
minor repair, but I cannot find it. Attractive note. �����������������������Est.
1191Kwangtung Provincial Bank, 1935 Local Currency Issue Specimen.Swatow, China, 1935, 10 cts, P-S2436s3, (S/M #K56-30c), Specimen,
Swatow overprint, Red on m/c with SYS at right, Specimen overprint,
POC, PMG graded Gem Uncirculated 66 EPQ, ABNC. ��������������Est.
1192Kwangtung Provincial Bank, 1935, Specimen BanknoteChina,
specimen note, 10 Cents, 1935, P-S2436s1, S/M#K56-30a, graded by
PMG Choice Uncirculated 65 EPQ�����������������������������������������������Est.
1193Kwangtung Provincial Bank, 1935, Specimen Banknote With SignaturesChina, specimen note, 20 Cents, 1935, without branch,
P-S2437s1, S/M#K56-32a, graded by PMG Superb Gem Uncirculated 67
1194Kwangtung Provincial Bank, 1935, Specimen Banknote, No SignaturesChina, specimen note, 20 Cents, 1935, without signature,
P-S2437s6, S/M#K56-32a, graded by PMG Superb Gem Uncirculated 67