Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1182KirinYung Heng Provincial Bank 5 Dollars, 1926, Specimen.China.
1926, $5 “Big Money”, P-S1067 (S/M#C76-132) Unlisted Specimen, Face
is blue on m/c with house on right, back is blue, Specimen overprint,
“00000” serial numbers and POC’s, Appears Uncirculated with great
eye appeal and color but there is a vertical fold at the left margin from
archival storage which lowers this to a Choice AU. Scarce note in any
condition. ABNC.������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1183KirinYungHeng Provincial Bank, 1916-17 Provisional IssueAlmost Sequential Pair.China, Lot of 2 notes, both are 1 Tiao, P-SS981A
(Overprinted on P-S968), S/M#C76-20, Issued banknote, Attractive with
facing dragons on front. Choice XF to AU condition. (The Pogrebetsky
Family Archives, Part 1) ��������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1184Kirin Yung Heng Provincial Bank, 1916-17 Provisional Issue Banknote Pair.China, Lot of 2 notes, Both are 1 Tiao, P-SS981A
(Overprinted on P-S968), S/M#C76-20, Issued banknotes, Facing
dragons at top, back red with 2 large read seals, both are in AU to
Uncirculated condition. Attractive notes. ������������������������������������Est.
1185KirinYung Heng Provincial Bank, 1923 “Harbin” Branch Specimen Banknote.Harbin, China. 1923. 1 Yuan, P-S1051s, (S/M #C76-111),
Specimen banknote. Orange on m/c, back brown. PMG graded Choice
Uncirculated 64, Scarce Harbin branch issue. Scarce banknote in any
form. ABNC. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1186Kirin Yung Heng Provincial Bank, 1928 Issue Assortment with PogrebetskyWorking Notes in Russian.China, 1928, Lot of 4 items,
includes 5 Tiao, P-S1079 (S/M #C76-145) (2 examples), Issued banknote,
Orange with red overprints, 100 Tiao, P-1081A, orange and others. Also
includes additional working notes by Pogrebetsky, condition is Poor
with missing pieces to good. (The Pogrebetsky Family Archives, Part 1)
1187KirinYung Heng Provincial Bank, 1928 Issue,China, 1928, 10 Tiao,
P-S1080 (S/M #C76-146), Issued banknote, Orange with red overprints
and black text, back red overprints in dark blue borders and green with
two men carrying canoe on bottom, XF to almost Choice XF, attractive
and bright colors. (The Pogrebetsky Family Archives, Part 1) �����Est.