Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
262 Banque de L’Indochine and Institut d’Emission d’Outre Merissues.
Tahiti. 100, 1000 Francs. SCWPM 14d, 27a. First is Fine, second
Fine-Very Fine. 2 pieces. �����������������������������������������������������������������Est.
263 Banque de L’Indochine and Institut d’Emission d’Outre-Merissues.
Tahiti. 20, 100, 500 Francs. P-21c; 24b; 25a. First is Choice Very
Fine, last two are Choice Uncirculated. 3 pieces. ������������������������Est.
264 Banque de L’Indochine. 1944 ND Issue.Tahiti. 20 Francs. P-20a. Nice
south pacific sailing boat scene at center. Very Fine.��������������������Est.
265 Government of Tonga. 1937, 1963 Issues.Tonga. 4 Shillings.
P-5 2.12.1937 Sterling is officially stamped out. Fine, paper tone and
separation at center folds; P-9d 29.7.1963. Choice Very Fine. Arms at
center on both. 2 pieces. ���������������������������������������������������������������Est.
266 Banque Centrale de Tunisie, ND (ca.1960) Color Trial SpecimenBanknote.
Tunisia. Color trial specimen 5 Dinars, P-60, PMG graded
Choice Uncirculated 64. Zero serial numbers, punch hole cancelled, and
overprinted SPECIMEN. Rare type. ���������������������������������������������Est.
United Arab Emirates
267 United Arab Emirates Currency Board, Lot of 4 Issued NotesUnited Arab Emirates. Lot of 4 issued notes from the first 1973 issue.
Includes 1 Dirham, P-1; 10 Dirhams, P-3; 50 Dirhams, P-4; and 100
Dirhams, P-5. The first Emirates issue is becoming increasingly scarce
and sought after, particularly the higher denominations of which two are
included in this lot. The notes are generally in Fine condition with some
ink markings.���������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
268 Banco Central De Venezuela, 1981-1990 Issue Color Trial Essay By ABNC.Venezuela, ND (ca.1981-1990), 50 Bolivares, Similar to P-65
and P-72, both printed by BDDK (not ABNC), Gray-black face on glossy
white paper with Bello on face to the right, large margins without
underprints, S/N’s, watermarks or seals. Choice Uncirculated, Plate #
19940 on bottom. Rare Archival proof from a proposed issue that was
printed by another printer and not ABNC. ����������������������������������Est.