Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
240 Banco Central de Nicaragua, 1991 Specimen Banknote Pair.Lot
of 2 notes, Both 1991, Series A Specimen issues. Includes 500 Cordobas,
P-178As, CU to Gem Unc.; 1000 Cordobas, P-178Bs, CU to Gem Unc.,
both very attractive. Harrison & Sons. Scarce as specimens. �������Est.
North Korea
241 Korean Central Bank, 1978 Issue Specimen Set of 5 Banknotes.North Korea, Lot of 5 notes, All are 1978 series specimens, 1; 5; 10; 50;
100 Wons, P-18s to P-22s, Choice to Gem Uncirculated mostly. Most
unpriced in SCWPM.��������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Northern Ireland
242 Northern Bank Limited.Northern Ireland. 1 Pound. 1.1.1940. P-178b.
Sailing ship at top center, bank monogram on back. Nice. Uncirculated
but for ink graffiti at right end center. ��������������������������������������������Est.
243 Central Bank ofOman. 1990, 1993 IssueOman. 5, 10 Rials. P-27, 28b.
Sultan Qaboos bin Sa’id at right. AU and Choice Uncirculated. 2 pieces.
244 Central Bank of Oman. 1995 Issue.Oman. 5, 10 Rials. P-35b, 36.
Sultan Qaboos bin Sa’id at right. Reflective pattern of Khanjars on back.
Both Choice to Gem Uncirculated. 2 pieces.��������������������������������Est.
245 Banco de la Republica, 1907 Issues.Paraguay. 5, 100 Pesos. SCWPM
156 (3); 159 (4). Bright color and bold engraving. W&S. All EF or better.
7 pieces. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
246 Republica del Paraguay. Law of 1923 Issue.Paraguay. 50, 100
Pesos Fuertes. P-167s; 168s. Building at center, star with flags on back.
POCs. Red SPECIMEN overprint twice on face on both. Both Choice
Uncirculated. 2 pieces. ������������������������������������������������������������������Est.