Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
275 US Postal Service, 1970s-1980s, Group of 200+ MNH StampsUSA,
group of various modern US stamps, in partial sheets. ������������������ Est.
276 Page, Bacon &Co. 1852 Gold Rush Era Bill of Exchange.California.
Second Bill of Exchange, issued, uncancelled. 300 Dollars. On the
Atlantic Bank in Boston. Very Fine, light spots. ���������������������������Est.
277 Wells Fargo & Co. Bank. San Francisco with Adolph SutroSignature.
California. 1892 Check on the company of Adolph Sutro.
Prior to be elected the first German-American-Jewish mayor. (From the
collection of John E. Herzog) ���������������������������������������������������������� Est.
278 Wells, Fargo &Co. 1858Trio of Checks withWells Fargo Collection Envelope & Instructions.San Francisco, California and Louisville,
Kentucky. 1858, Lot of 4 items. Includes Collection envelope with 3
checks, all are issued in San Francisco, payable to Wells, Fargo & Co. All
3 checks (amounts of $1666.66, $1666.67, and $1666.67) add up to $5000
and all were unpaid, printed in black on light blue paper with steamship,
sailing ship and locomotive on left counter design, All in VF-XF condition.
The envelope contains a number of ink notations, including the total
sum of the checks ($5000) as well as remarks such as “no commission”
and “Mr. Shreve says he has no money for this purpose”. An interesting
gold rush era group.����������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
279 Wells, Fargo & Co. 1861 Certificate for Passage from Galway, Ireland to New York.San Francisco, July 31, 1861, Lot of 2 items.
Wells, Fargo & Co., “California and New York Express and Exchange
Co.”, Original Certificate for Passage, A number of remarks on reverse.
Accompanying original envelope with the same dates indicates this
was sent from James Shauky at Broadway Wharf to John and Bridget
Purcell and requested Steerage passage for (six?) from New York to San
Francisco. It appears the origin of the trip began in Galway, Ireland. Rare
Wells, Fargo & Co. Document and first time seen by cataloger. Choice
Fine Condition. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Michigan and New York
280 Treasury of the U.S., Civil War Military Checks from Michigan and New York, ca. 1860’s.Lot of 4 checks in 2 different uncut and
unissued sheets of 2. Includes Detroit Michigan, Depositary of the U.S.,
brown; and New York, NY, Assistant Treasurer of the U.S., red, both with
patriotic Liberty, eagle, shield and flag at left, both with counterfoil on
left, Both AU to Unc. Scarce Civil War related treasury checks. Lith by
New York
281 American Exchange in Europe Ltd. 188x.New York. Letter of
Identification Specimen. Very fragile paper, split in half and with heavy
paper tone. (From the collection of John E. Herzog)��������������������� Est.