Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comNew York, Massachusetts and
282 Historic Check and Draft Lot, ca. 1796 to 1820.Lot of 6 checks,
Includes 4 examples of Philadelphia, 1796, Bank of Pennsylvania checks,
issued and cut cancelled to VF; New York, ND (ca.1810-20’s), Unissued
check, Phenix Bank, FD & Co., Fine with corner tip missing; and, 1818
Salem Bank check issued and cancelled, signed by Benjamin Peirce, LLD,
an American Mathematician born in Salem, graduated Harvard in 1829.
mounted on paper. Fine condition. ���������������������������������������������Est.
283 Wells Fargo & Co Unissued Traveler’s CheckWooster, Ohio. 19--
(ca.1900-1920). $50. Uncancelled. Vignette of Native American on left.
Brown border with light brown undertint. Middle of check has currency
valuations of equivalent to $50 U.S. of 8 different countries or regions.
Note appears uncirculated but there is a light diagonal fold on the top
right corner. ABNC. Scarce traveler’s check.�������������������������������Est.
284 Citizens Savings Bank of Jefferson, 1871 RN imprinted Duplicate Check or Draft.Jefferson, Texas. $47.47, I/U with spindle cancel, Black
with RN H-3 Imprinted Revenue, Young girl on left, top right with men
and women waving at train, corresponding bank in St. Louis, Missouri,
VF condition. ABNC. �������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
285 First National Bank of Houston, 1890’s Approval Proof Sheet of 4 Drafts.Houston, Texas. Unique approval proof sheet of 4 drafts or
checks printed on light card. Vignette of notable on left with “Star of
Texas” arms on bottom. 1 vertical fold and 2 horizontal folds. Fine
condition. Rare early Texas National bank item. ABNC (ex-ABNC-
Christies June 1991 Auction)���������������������������������������������������������Est.
286 U.S. Selection of Bank Checks Including Imprinted Revenues.U.S. Bank Checks. Selection which include some with printed revenue
stamps. 1870s-1960s. Some unused, most issued and cancelled. Some
bank duplication. Very Fine or better. Over 110 pieces.�����������������Est.
287 Exchange Check from Prime, Ward & King, 1843Exchange Check
from the firm of Prime, Ward & King. The origin of the term “Prime
Rate”. Very Fine. Printed on 1838 dated watermarked paper. (From the
collection of John E. Herzog) ���������������������������������������������������������� Est.