Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
250 Philippine National Bank, Philippine Islands and Philippines.Philippines. 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 Pesos. P-46b; 53; 5474b; 82; 94 (3); 95; 96; 97;
98a; Generally Very Good to Fine, some with stains. 12 pieces. ��Est.
251 Philippines Treasury Certificate Victory Series No. 66, Star Note Replacement Pair.Philippines, Lot of 2 notes, Includes 1 Peso, P-94, VF
to Choice VF, S/N F00037219* and 2 Pesos, P-95a, VF, S/N F0041430*,
both issued and both “Star Notes”. Scarce Philippine replacement
banknote pair. BEP. �����������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
252 Narodowy Bank Polski, Bank Polski and others.Poland. 10,
1,000,000 Marek; 20, 50 Zlotych. P-25, 37, 71, 77, 95, 102 (2), 138. Mostly
Very Good to Very Fine. 8 pieces.�������������������������������������������������Est.
Portuguese Guinea
253 Banco Nacional Ultramarino, Guine. 1971 Issue.Portuguese
Guinea. 50, 100 Escudos. P-44a; 45a. Tristao at right, Arms at center
on both. Choice to Gem Uncirculated for the First and Choice About
Uncirculated for the second. 2 pieces. ������������������������������������������Est.
254 Reserve Bank of Rhodesia. 1971-72 Issue.Rhodesia. 1, 5 Dollars.
P-30b, 32. Arms at right. Both Choice Uncirculated, the 5 Dollar with a
partial red bank hand stamp on face. 2 pieces. �����������������������������Est.
Russia, East Siberia
255 Government of the Russian Eastern Border Regions, Chita. 1920Issue.
Russia, East Siberia. 100, 500 Rubles. SCWPM S1187b, S1188b
(2). Eagle above text, denominations at left and right ends. XF to AU. 3