Archives International Auctions- AIA XXIX Part II
October 29,2015
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comEPHEMERA - QUACK MEDICINE
United States
945 Dr. Pomroy’s Ophthalmic Ointment or Eye Salve ca. 1850-70.Advertising flier (damaged), card holder for ointment the container
of ointment. (Not recommended to use). 3 pieces. ����������������Est.
946 Speech of Senator Charles Sumner on the Admission of Kansas as a Free State, 1860.Passioned speech of the anti-slavery Senator
fromMassachusetts on the admission of Kansas as a free State, June
4, 1860. 32 pages, typeset, old pin fastener (one of two remain). A
bit larger than 6 x 9-3/4, light foxing and paper tone, two very small
paper holes in cover under sub-head. Printed by Buell & Blanchard,
Washington DC 1860. Nice for age and pre-war interest.�������� Est.
947 Keene, Brattleboro and Boston Citizens’ Union Line. Stage triproster.
MA. 2.24.1832. Lists of passengers, distances and fares paid.
Fine-Very Fine. ����������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Amazing British American Banknote
Company proof advertising sheet
948 British American Bank Note Company Engravers & Printers, ND (ca.1860’s) Dramatic Proof Security Printer AdvertisingSheet.
Canada, ND (ca.1860’s), 15” x 10”. Arched title with “Capital
$200,000” under it, Beautiful intaglio printed design in black with
green underprint and border, printed on India paper, views of Queen
Victoria, the Earl of Dufferin, (on the $2 Dollar 1878 Banknote), the
Duke of Argyll, (on the Rare $4 1878 Banknote), Cherubs, allegorical
figures, St. George slaying the Dragon as well as proofs of a 3 cent
Canada Postage stamp and a $3 Canada Bill stamp on the upper left
and right corners. Internal tears archival restored, must be seen to be
appreciated. this may very well be the only example that exists. This
is only the first time this wonderful ad sheet has been offered since
originally sold nearly 16 years ago. (From the collection of John E.
Herzog).). �����������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Great Britain
949 Bradbury Wilkinson “Tyvek Paper”Ad Note, ca. 1920-30’s, King Charles I.Great Britain. Intaglio and offset uniface specimen from
BradburyWilkinson. Nice. ���������������������������������������������������Est.