Archives International Auctions AIA XXIX Part II
October 29, 2015
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comEPHEMERA - BANKING & FINANCE
930 FiscalCorrespondence fromBanks inNewYorkState, 1850s-1860sNew York State Banking correspondence. From the Obsolete and
early National Bank Note era, transmittal letters to and from banks,
merchants and banking houses regarding collection on their notes or
invoices. A variety of paper sizes, many letterheads. Banks include:
American Exchange Bank, Marine Bank of Chicago, Albany City
Bank, Merchants’ Bank, Bank of theCapitol, National Exchange Bank
of Troy, Third National Bank of Syracuse, Salt Springs NB, Herkimer
County NB, First NB of St. Johnsville, Oneida NB, Merchants NB,
Lyons NB, First NB of Utica, Bank of Central NewYork, and others.
Most folded, some with slight stains or old paper loss at one fold.
Overall niceVery Fine or better. Over 125 pieces.����������������� Est.
931 FiscalCorrespondence fromBanks inNewYorkState, 1850s-1860sNew York State Banking correspondence. From the Obsolete and
early National Bank Note era, transmittal letters to and from banks,
merchants and banking houses regarding collection on their notes or
invoices. A variety of paper sizes, many letterheads. Banks include:
Fulton County Bank, American Exchange Bank, Bank of Havana
(NY), Market Bank of Troy, Maverick Bank, Manufacturers &Traders
Bank, Oneida Bank, Chemung Canal Bank, Commercial Bank, First
NB of St. Johnsville, Second NB of Utica, Bank of Lansingburg,
Bank of Newport, Mercantile Bank, Traders Bank, Merchants’
Bank of Albany, Union Bank of Rochester, City Bank of Hartford,
Manufacturers’ Bank of Troy, Bank of Danville, and others. Most
folded, some with slight stains or old paper loss at one fold. Overall
niceVery Fine or better. Over 110 pieces.����������������������������� Est.
932 FiscalCorrespondence fromBanks inNewYorkState, 1850s-1860sNew York State Banking correspondence. From the Obsolete and
early National Bank Note era, transmittal letters to and from banks,
merchants and banking houses regarding collection on their notes
or invoices. A variety of paper sizes, many letterheads. Banks
include: American Exchange Bank, First NB of St. Johnsville, Irving
Bank of the City of NY, Oneida Bank, Market Bank of Troy, Bank of
Amsterdam, Bank of Newport, Merchants’ Bank ofAlbany, Shawmut
Bank, Mechanics’ Bank, First NB of South Worcester, First NB,
Albany, Third NB of Syracuse, Farmers Bank of Amsterdam, Bank of
Fayetteville, Bank of Whitestown, Second NB of Utica, Union Bank
of Rochester, Bank of Cooperstown, and others. Most folded, some
with edge tone or old paper loss at one fold. Overall niceVery Fine or
better. 100 pieces. ��������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
933 FiscalCorrespondence fromBanks inNewYorkState, 1850s-1860sNew York State Banking correspondence. From the Obsolete and
early National Bank Note era, transmittal letters to and from banks,
merchants and banking houses regarding collection on their notes or
invoices. A variety of paper sizes, many letterheads. Banks include:
Albany City Bank, American Exchange Bank, Bank of the State of
Missouri, Bank of Attica, Metropolitan Bank, Bank of the Capitol,
Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank of Michigan, Commercial Bank of
Cincinnati, and others. Most folded, some with slight stains or old
paper loss at one fold. Overall nice Very Fine or better. Over 100
pieces.��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.