Archives International Auctions AIA XXIX Part II
October 29, 2015
Archives International Auctions
920 1879-1900 Checks.MT. Checks on Hoge, Brownlee & Co.; J.E.
Sherburne; A.F. Greater; U. & N Ry Co. First three with imprinted
revenue stamps. 4 pieces. ����������������������������������������������������� Est.
New York
921 Erie County Bank, Proof Check ca. 1820-30’s.Buffalo, NY. $-Odd,
Proof Printed on thin card, Allegorical woman with eagle and shield
on top right, Native American on left counterfoil, small foxing spots,
rare early proof check, D&Co.������������������������������������������������Est.
Northern States
922 Proof Checks or Drafts Trio from Various States.Lot of 3 proof
or specimen checks. Includes Connecticut, ca.1860’s, Deep River
National Bank, Specimen, ABN; Hartford, ca.1840’s, Merchants and
Manufacturers Bank, Proof Check, RWH&E; and MA. Holyoke Bank,
Proof Check, DH.�����������������������������������������������������������������Est.
923 Orphan Institute’s Bank, ND, ca. 1820-30’s Proof Draft.Fulton,
Ohio, $-Odd, Allegorical woman and eagle at bottom, ornate
counterfoil on left, Printed on india paper on thin card, VF to XF.
S.Stiles, Sherman & Smith, N.Y.���������������������������������������������Est.
United States
924 Canton Ohio area bank checks. 1860s-70s.Ohio. Represented
are the First National Bank of Canton, Ohio; Bank of Akron; Wayne
County National Bank; City Bank of Salem; Greiner & Boone,
Bankers, Salem. Some with revenue stamps, Cut cancelled. Over 80