Archives International Auctions AIA XXIX Part II
October 29, 2015
Archives International Auctions
969 Mount Rushmore Memorial Inscription Competition Certificate of Merit. Albany Times-Union.United States. George Washington
central vignette. William Randolph Hearst faux signature. Imprinted
for the Albany Times-Union for the participants of the 1934
competition of an inscription for the memorial. ABNC-Litho. 14 x 10-
3/4. Specimen, POC. As made. ��������������������������������������������� Est.
Washington, D.C.
970 International S&C Plate Printers Union 1918 Specimen Intaglio Cover fromConvention Booklet.Washington, D.C.. 1918, Specimen
cover for the 26th Annual Convention of the International Steel &
Copper Plate Printers Union of N.A., Pin-Punch Specimen overprint,
U.S. Capital Building in center. ABNC. XF with small chip off of lower
right corner tip and a small black spot on the top left, Rare in any
form.���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
971 Allegorical portrait medallion and ends for obsolete notes.Proofs
mounted on cut down portions of die reference folders. Formerly
from Harmer 1.2007 sale, lot 2128. 3 pieces. ��������������������������Est.
972 American Bank Note Co. “Specimen” Stamp Sheetlet of 8 AdvertisingProofStamps.ScottUnlisted. 1947. LargeDieProof of 8
different stamps in sheet form. Designs include “25 Communication”
(2); “3 Education” (2); 5 Taj Mahal (1); “5 Rembrandt” (3). All are in
“Rotary Black “ color. ABNC eagle logo on top. Printed on white
india paper on large cream card 8 x 8 inches. Text on bottom
states Philippines - Int. Revenue #2A Rotary Black - 20,000 Pesos
(Woman Striking Anvil) OK for Color 3/13/47 with approval initials.
Back has purple Approval stamp with time and date. ABNC. Choice
condition. Unique color approval proof for Philippine Revenue
stamp. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
973 Continental Bank Co. IndianWarrior Proofs.NY. 2 proofs ofV48171
and V48248 mounted on reference cards. Formerly from Harmer
1-2007 sale, lot 2081. 2 pieces.�����������������������������������������������Est.