Archives International Auctions- AIA XXIX Part II
October 29,2015
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comSecurity printing
964 Universal intaglio print.Eagle on shield at center, 14 country arms
around in oval, four others at major compass points. Bold. Sometime
after 1876. ABNC intaglio print plate V44767 measuring 7-1/8 inches
square pasted on archive folder. Paper tone from mounting. Tear
before mounting near top right mentioned for accuracy.�����Est.
965 American Bank Note Commemoratives Obsolete Note Reprints,ca.1980-90.
Features State of Mississippi $10; Mineral Point $50;
Union Bank $500; Bank of Clarendon $6; Peoples Bank of Kentucky
$50; Bank of the Capitol $3; Eastern Bank of Alabama $3; Bank of
Black River $50; Cumberland Bank $5; Commercial and Agricultural
bank $3; Bank of Bloomington $5; Bank of St. Johns $5. Premier
edition, mounted in card, with information and plastic album page.
As made. 12 pieces.��������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
United States
966 ABNC 1980 promotional page in brown ink.Along with ABNC
letter describing this lot and the Crane lot also offered. �������Est.
967 American Bank Note Co. 20 Specimen note.United States. George
Washington central vignette. Plate #53698 changed from 53689;
F7898 in pencil on back. Color proof with intricate underprints.
India paper mounted on card. 7x4-3/4. POC impression, but not thru
paper. As made. ������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
968 Crane’s Emporium 2.Black ink impression on 11x17 sheet, folded,
with intaglio printing information on side. Old tape residue at top
left. With large envelope. ����������������������������������������������������Est.