Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1732 Russia, Various Issuers, 1980s-1992, Group of Specimens, Certificates, and ChecksRussia, lot of specimens, certificates, checks,
includes Russian Domestic Lottery Loan Certificate, 1992, pair of bond
specimens, with zero serial numbers and red ‘
’ overprints
(‘SPECIMEN’ in Russian). Includes 500 and 100 Rubles; also included
set of 4 Specimen Russian Labor Union Stock Certificates, 1989, with
zero serial numbers and red ‘
overprints (‘SPECIMEN’ in
Russian). Includes 50, 100, 250, and 1000 Ruble certificates. Finally lot
of specimens from the Savings Bank of the USSR (Sberbank), includes
specimen check book (1987), five specimen savings certificates with
denominations 250, 500 (2 pcs), and 1000 Rubles (2 pcs). All specimens
with zero serial numbers and red ‘
overprints (‘SPECIMEN’
in Russian). Also includes issued savings certificate of 250 Rubles. All
UNC and unusual.�������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1733 Russian Imperial Azoff-Don Commercial Bank, 1917, Second of ExchangeRussia, Bill of exchange, from Petrograd, Russia, for 5000
Rubles, with a number of endorsements on the back.�������������������Est.
1734State Treasury Note, 1934 “Gold Ruble” High Grade Note, Finest Graded in the PMG Census.Russia. 1934, 5 Gold Rubles, P-211, Issued
banknote, with signatures. black on light blue underprint, S/N TG
798824, PMG graded Gem Uncirculated 66 EPQ* With claims to Superb
condition, none grading higher and this note will literally be impossible
to improve upon. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1735 State Treasury Note, 1934 “Gold Ruble” High Grade Note.Russia.
1934, 1 Gold Ruble, P-207, Issued banknote, with signatures, black on
light orange underprint, S/N’s 748658, PMG graded Gem Uncirculated
65 EPQ*, Attractive high grade note. �������������������������������������������Est.
1736State Treasury Note, 1934 “Gold Ruble” High Grade Note.Russia.
1934, 5 Gold Rubles, P-211, Issued banknote, with signatures. black on
light blue underprint, S/N TG 798811, PMG graded Choice Uncirculated
65 EPQ, attractive example in high grade with only one note grading
higher. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1737 Various Russian Issuers, 1915-1921, Lot of 7 Issued NotesRussia,
lot includes 5000 Rubles, 1922, P-137, VG with tape repair; a pair of
interest coupons from Freedom Loan and Government Treasury Bond
issues, 1917-1918; also in this lot are 4 local issue notes including from
Piatigorsk, 50 Rubles, 1918, VG; from Armenia, 10000 Rubles, 19121,
P-S680, Fine; from Turkestan, 1 Ruble, 1918, P-S1162, AU+; and
from Libavsk City Self-Government, 10 Kopeks exchange token, 1915,
VF. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1738Various USSR Issuers, 1940s-1960s, Group of 11 PiecesRussia, lot
of uncommon and specialized Soviet era notes, includes from the 1961
Gosbank issue, 1-2-5-10-50 Kopeks and 1 Ruble, P-SFX80 to P-SFX85, all
UNC, and used on ships to buy food; from the Ministry of Coal Industry,
a 2 Kopek coupon for internal payments, UNC; two store receipts for 1
Ruble from Krasnodar, and 5 Rubles from Novorossiysk, both XF+; also
four lottery tickets issued by the Ministry of Finance, 25 Rubles, 1948; 10
Rubles, 1943; 3 Rubles, 1959; and 30 Kopeks, 1966; and finally an unusual
“business card” for famous doctor and numismatist-collector Eduard
Dmitrievich Gribanov, made to look like local Russian scrip. ������Est.
1739Vladikavkaz Railroad Co. 1918 Interest Bearing Loan Note Assortment.Russia. Lot of 4 notes, Includes 50, 100, 500, 1000 Rubles;
SCWPM S593; S594; S595; S596. 1.9.1918. Steam locomotives, bridge
and building featured on the face. Map of the Caucasus region showing
main line from Rostov-on-the-Don to Petrovsk and Baku on back of
each. Choice AU to CU condition. Attractive and fresh group of notes.