Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comRussia - Siberia & Urals
1749Provisional Siberian Administration. 1919 ND Issue Uncut Specimen Block of 4.Russia - Siberia & Urals. 50 Kopeks. P-S828s but
unlisted in this form. ABNC Specimen overprints with POCs. Uncut
sheet of 4. PMG Graded Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ. ����������������Est.
Russia - Transcaucasia
1750 Transcaucasian S.S.R.R. Railroad, 1920 ND Exchange Tokens Issue Group.Russia, Lot of 5 notes, Includes 5000; 10,000; 25,000;
50,000 and 100,000 Rubles, P-S641 to P-S645, All IN Choice XF to Unc.,
Printed in various colors, the 100,000 Rubles as 2 stamp hinges on the
back that can be removed. Scarce set and rarely seen in high grade. (The
Pogrebetsky Family Archives)�������������������������������������������������������Est.
1751 Transcaucasian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic issues.Russia -
Transcaucasia. 1 Milliard (Billion) Rubles. P-S638a. Woman seated on
back. Nice Fine, pencil notation on bottom front. (The Silicon Valley
Russia & China - PRIVATE BANKS &
1752 Union of Service Workers, Masters and Workers of Chinese Eastern Railroad Scrip Note Pair, ca.1910-20.Russia and China,
Lot of 2 notes, Both are from the Chinese Eastern Railroad. Includes
a 1 Ruble note, black on light yellow, S/N 18060, Blue hand stamp; and
black on red paper, 1/2 Loaf of White Bread, S/N 21906, hand stamp on
right, both with blank backs, Both in AU to Uncirculated, Rare Railroad
related and Harbin Related Scrip notes. (The Pogrebetsky Family
Saint Helena
1753 Government of St. Helena. 1976-81 ND Issues.St. Helena. 50 Pence,
1 Pound. P-5a, 6a, 9a. Elizabeth II at right on all. Includes both spelling
varieties on the back of the 1 pound notes. All are Choice to Gem
Uncirculated. 3 pieces. ������������������������������������������������������������������Est.