Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comSaint Thomas & Prince
1754 Banco Central de S. Tome e Principe, 1996, Specimen BanknoteSaint Thomas & Prince, specimen 50000 Dobras, 1996, P-68bs, TDLR
oval imprints, Specimen No 007, Uncirculated. ���������������������������Est.
1755 Government of Sarawak, 1940, Emergency Fractional Issue NoteSarawak, issued 10 Cents, 1940, P-25b, uniface, Very Fine condition with
the appearance of an XF-AU piece. ����������������������������������������������Est.
1756Government of Sarawak. 1935 & 1940 Banknote Issue Pair.Sarawak. Lot of 2 notes, Includes 1935, 1 Dollar. P-20. C. Vyner Brooke
at right, arms at center on back. Fine to Choice Fine with paper toning
and a couple of extremely small edge faults; and 10 Cents. P-25b. C.
Vyner Brooke at right. Uniface. Choice Fine to VF. Attractive Sarawak
Pair. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Saudi Arabia
1757 Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency. 1954-56 Haj Pilgrim Receipt.Saudi Arabia. 1 Riyal. P-2. Red. Royal Palace entrance in Jedda at center.
Nice Very Fine or a bit better.�������������������������������������������������������Est.
1758Bank of Scotland and Royal Bank of Scotland Issues. 1965-85 Issues.Scotland. 5 pounds. P-106b 12.1.1965; 112d 1980; f 1985; 330;
342a 1982. All Choice Very Fine to Extremely Fine. Light folds. 5 pieces.
1759Clydesdale and North of Scotland Bank Limited. 5 Pounds. 1953. Specimen.Scotland. Pick #192a for type. Unlisted Specimen. DeLaRue
ovals in corners, number in lower left. Punch hole cancel on signature.
Back right edge with paper tone from former mounting. Scarce. PMG
graded Choice Uncirculated 64 NET with note of previously mounted.
1760Union Bank of Scotland, 1924 Issue Archival Specimen, Uncut Sheet of 4.Uncut sheet of 4, Scotland, 28th September, 1945, 1 Pound,
P-S815c, Unlisted Specimen, Printed signature of GENERALMANAGER
and CASHIER, Face Blue, red, orange and yellow, allegorical women
flanking arms on top, Equestrian Statues on LL and LR, Face with
archival notations and approval signatures, back blue and light yellow
with purple bank handstamps, POC’s, Crisp Choice XF to AU condition
with light mounting remnants on back. W&S. ���������������������������Est.