Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comRussia - East Siberia
Extremely rare and attractive Banknote rarely seen at auction
from the Pogrebetsky Family Archives.
1740All Russian Central Union of Consumer Societies, 1920 Issued Banknote.Vladivostok, Russia. 500 Rubles, P-Unlisted, Black, light green, beige and purple
design on face with men hauling in fishing nets, S/N DB01965, PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 63. Extremely rare note with this being the only issued
example in the Pogrebetsky Family Archives. Possibly unique issued. (ex-Pogrebetsky Family Archives - Part 1) �������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1741 All Russian Central Union of Consumer Societies, 1920 Specimen Banknote.Russia. 100 Rubles, P-Unlisted, Specimen (mistakenly listed as a remainder
on the holder), Black, light green, beige and red design on face, back with ship off shore with trees, PMG graded Choice About Uncirculated 58 EPQ with 6
small POC’s and no serial numbers. Rare note with this being the only specimen found. (The Pogrebetsky Family Archives)����������������������������������������Est.