Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
1080France, Some early coins, two sets and plenty of Hercules issues.France. 15 early hammered coins; 33 WWI local issues and 23 Hercules
5 Francs, not including the two in the 1974 and 1975 FDC sets. Quite the
group of just over 90 coins.�����������������������������������������������������������Est.
1081France, Mid-range 20th Century coins.France. 50 Centimes, 1, 2, 10
Francs. Mix of Silver issues and CN or brass. 1887-1978. Generally Fine
to Very Fine a few better. Just over 225 pieces. ����������������������������Est.
French Colonies; French Indo China;
Ills du Vent;
1082Group of French Colonial Issues.French Colonial Issues. Includes:
Cochin China (1); French Somaliland (1); French Colonies (9); Isle
du Vent (1); French Indo China includes a wide date run of 22 Silver
Piastres, some with countermarks. New Caledonia and French Polynesia
round out the lot. Mostly Very Fine or quite better. Just over 130
Gardiner’s Islands, Georgia, Gibraltar,
1083Group of “G” countries Includes Gardiner’s Islands; Georgia; andGibraltar.
Gardiner’s Islands (1); Georgia (13 including one Abazi of the
1820s); Gibraltar. Includes a Penny Black Crown in card and many CN
Crowns. Grenada (2). Mostly Extremely Fine to Uncirculated. Just over
90 pieces. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
German States
1084German States, Arzberg thru Horb, including German East Africa and East Germany.German States.1230s-1980s. Includes a small
selection of early hammered pieces; Many Cities and States represented
with metallic Notgeld issues. Includes the German WWI Eastern
Europe occupation Kopek issues (4); Silver Crowns (18). Just a few holed
or looped. Some Fair to Good, most Very Good to Very Fine. Just over
265 pieces. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1085German States, Iserloken to Zirndorf Issues.German States.
Includes some Empire Silver 3 and 5 marks (8); Nuremberg City View
Thaler of 1765 holed; as well as many metallic noted issues of the WWI
era. Generally Fine or better. Just over 150 pieces. ����������������������Est.
1086German States, Prussia, Brandenburg & Saxony. 1440-1914.German States. Quite the range of rulers and types. Many large silver
coins (35). A wide range of minors also makes up the selection. Included
in the group is a well worn medal of 1757 and a porcelain Notgeld of
1921. Generally Very Good to Fine a few better. Just over 140 pieces.
German States & Empire & later.
1087German Empire and later issues. 1845-1980sGermany. Includes 2
examples of 5 Mark, a 2 Thaler and restruck Joachmansthaler of 1967.
Minors includes some metallic Notgeld, one early states coin mixed in.
Except for a group of 1/2 Mark silver issues, all others are base metal.
Many date and mint mark runs. Some Very Good, most Very Fine or a
bit better. Total of 265 pieces.�������������������������������������������������������Est.
1088 Germany, Empire to modern. Minors.Germany. Coppers and
such. Mostly 1 and 2 pfennig. 1974-1986, many mints represented. A
wonderful run. Just a few cleaned in the past as often seen. Generally
Very Good for the early issues and Choice Very Fine to Uncirculated for
the modern. Just over 335 pieces. �������������������������������������������������Est.
1089Germany, Empire to 20th century, 1 thru 5 Mark coins including many silver commemoratives.Germany. Silver 1, 2, 5 Marks of the
Empire thru Nazi era and some Post WWI 5 Mark commemoratives.
Four 1980 Mint sets from D, G, F, J. Plus a 1972 Olympic 4 pieces set with
a cracked case. Just over 275 pieces.����������������������������������������������Est.
Great Britain
1090Great Britain, Henry III to Elizabeth II. 1216-1993.Great Britain.
Includes a date run of 20, 50 pence and 1 Pound coins; and a Charles
I Scottish 2 Pence. Finally, Llantrisant 1, 2, 5, 10 Pence chits and Royal
Arsenal Co-operative Society tokens (3). Some reproduction strikes
are included. Generally Fair to Very Good except for the 56 post 1980
pieces which are Very Fine to Uncirculated. Just over 110 pieces in
total. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1091Great Britain George II to Elizabeth II.Great Britain. Copper and
Bronze. Farthings, Half Penny and modern Pence coins. 1736-1980s.
Some Victorian issues are Fair-Good, modern issues are Very Fine to
Uncirculated. Quite the date group on these minors. Includes one trade
half-penny of 1793. No George III coins, one mint medal from a set. Just
over 370 pieces. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1092Great Britain, George III to Elizabeth II. Book of Penny Coins.Great Britain. Penny coins. From the large Copper Cartwheels of 1797
to the decimal penny of 1993. Many dates, slight duplication. Just a few
cleaned in the past. Some Good Very Good, others Choice Very Fine to
Uncirculated. Just over 300 pieces.������������������������������������������������Est.