Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26,2016
Archives International Auctions
1150 Russia, Soviet Era Minors.Russia. 1934-1978, mostly 1965-78 minors.
Mostly from late date mint sets, the set medals included. Just over 170
pieces including the mint set medals. �������������������������������������������Est.
1151 Russia, Soviet Union Era Uncirculated sets.Russia. 1962-
1984. Uncirculated sets in film or hard plastic holders. Just over 230
1152Russia, Empire. 1724-1913 Large silvers plus just a vew Soviet erathings.
Russia. Plenty of nice silver rubles (25), plus 5 wire money, plus
many Empire minors. Mostly Very good on the early types, and Fine to
Very Fine on the luster dates. Just over 162 pieces �����������������������Est.
1153 Russia. Mostly Soviet era.Russia. USSR. 1924 Rouble. Other Rubles
from 1967-1980s, 10 Rouble 1978 Silver. Otherwise mostly 1960s-1980
minors, just a very few 1990s issues. Mostly EF or better. Just over 125
Saint Kitts & Nevis, Order of St. John,
St. Helena, St. Lucia, San Marino; St.
Tomas and Prince; St. Vincent; Sarawak;
Saharawi; Saudi Arabia; Serbia
1154Album of “S” Countries.Saint Kitts & Nevis, Order of St. John, St.
Helena includes a very nice 1821 Half Penny, St. Lucia, San Marino has
types which change every year, Mint Sets from 1972, 1982, 1983, 1984,
1985; St. Tomas and Prince; St. Vincent; Sarawak; Saharawi; Saudi
Arabia includes and Riyal of 1917 as well as a half riyal of 1933; Serbia
is represented with several minors as well as a 5 Dinar of 1904. Includes
a bunch of Copper-Nickel crowns and nice groupings of circulated
minors. Generally Fine or better. Just over 200 pieces. ����������������Est.
Sealand, Spitzbergen, Straits
Settlements, Sudan, Surinam
1155 Albumof “S”Countries.Sealand 1994 Half Dollar; Spitzbergen (4 1993
issues); Straits Settlements. A wide assortment of dates From Victoria
thru George VI. Includes 7 Dollars; and numerous silver 5, 10, 20 cent
pieces in addition to plenty of coppers; Sudan a nice group of types;
Surinam 1976 10 Guilden, as well as some nice type pieces. Generally
Good to Fine on the early pieces and VF to Uncirculated on the late 20th
century issues. Just over 180 pieces.����������������������������������������������Est.
Seychelles, Sharjah, Sierra Leone
1156Album of “S” Countries, includes Seychelles, Sharjah, SierraLeone.
Seychelles includes 1972, 1982 Uncirculated sets in cards. Sharjah
(2 silvers). Sierra Leone, minors. Mostly Fine to Very Fine, some better.
Just over 110 pieces.�������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1157 Includes 1973, 1974, 1983 1992 Mint set.Singapore. 1977, 10 Dollar
10th Anniversary of Independence silver crown, otherwise, plenty
of Post independence types by date runs. Mostly Choice Very Fine to
Uncirculated. Just over 140 pieces.������������������������������������������������Est.
Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands,
Somalia, South Arabia
1158Album of “S” Countries, Includes Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Arabia.Slovakia. Includes 3 wartime silvers
and modern minors; Slovenia (modern minors); Solomon Islands
1992 CN Dollar and nice circulation coins along with a string of bead
money; Somalia, some nice circulation issues, South Arabia 1964 issues
(4); Spitzbergen 1993 Issues (4); Swaziland 1974, 1975 Mint sets and
some minors. Earlier issues are Fine, recently issues are nearly all XF to
Uncirculated. Just over 130 pieces.������������������������������������������������Est.
South Africa
1159South Africa, British influence but mostly Republic issues.South
Africa. A few George V and George VI coppers, but mostly Republic
types, 50 Cents and under. Few silver. Late 1920s thru early 1990s.
Generally Very Good to Fine for the early dates and VF to Uncirculated
for the later dates. Just over 220 pieces. ����������������������������������������Est.
1160SouthAfrica, Includes ZuidAfrikaanische, and SouthAfrica.South
Africa. 1892, 1893, 1895, 1896, 1897 2-1/2 Shillings; 1947, 1948, 1949,
1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1956, 1960, 1963, 1964 5 Shillings; Plenty of 3,
6 Pence, 1, 2, Shillings. 1962 Proof Set in case of issue, coins now spot
toned. Early types often Good-Very Good, later issues are Very Fine or
quite better. Just over 125 pieces.��������������������������������������������������Est.
Southern Rhodesia, Rhodesia, Zambia
1161The Rhodesia lands in it’s various incarnations.Southern Rhodesia.
includes 1953 Crown and 1932 1/2 Crown; Rhodesia & Nyasaland,
mostly coppers; Rhodesia. Copper Nickel and coppers; Zimbabwe 1980
Proof set in case. Generally Fine or better, some EF to Uncirculated. Just
over 100 pieces. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1162A long range of Spanish types.Spain. A few early hammered coppers,
1270s-1800. Then a nice mix of small silvers and coppers; 20 Reals (2); 2,
1 Silver Escudos; 5 Pesetas (17). A good run of dates and types for Franco
and a few from Juan Carlos. Generally Good to Fine for most of the early
dates and nice Very Fine to Uncirculated for the late 20th century issues.
1163Sweden, Late 19th and early 20th.Sweden. Nice group of types
and dates of the Ore, 2 Ore and 5 ore pieces. Copper and steel wartime
issues. Early issues Very Good to Fine, later dates EF to Uncirculated.
Just over 220 pieces.�����������������������������������������������������������������������Est.