Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26,2016
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comGreat Britain
1010British Token group.Great Britain. Half Penny (5) from Birmingham,
Cheshire and Middlesex; Isaac Newton Farthing; 6 pence from
Stockport. Very Fine to Choice. 7 pieces. ���������������������������������������Est.
1011Selection of circulating coins, 1711-1900.Great Britain. Farthing,
Half Penny, Penny (21), 3 Pence 1899; Shilllings 1711, 1816, 1826,
1864, 1859. Mostly Good to Very Good. One early penny holed. 29
1012Selection of Hammered Coinage. 1158-1572.Great Britain. Henry II
cut penny; Henry III cut penny; Edward I penny Canterbury (2); Edward
II London Penny; Edward III penny; Henry V penny, York; Henry VI 1/2
penny; Henry VII Half groat; Henry VIII Groat; Mary I groat; Elizabeth
I 6 pence. Most identified by Seaby # on 2x2s. Very Good to Fine. 12
Great Britain - England
1013 Elizabeth I, Shilling. ND.Great Britain. Elizabeth I. mm Tone on both
sides. Nice Fine.�����������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Great Britain & Scotland
1014Selection of Minors Including Scotland, 1614-1831.Great Britain.
Charles I Rose farthing; James I Lennox farthing; Commonwealth Penny
(small hole); Charles II Farthing bent; James II 2 pence; William & Mary
Farthing; George I halfpenny; George II halfpenny; George II Penny and
halfpenny; George IV farthing (2); William IV farthing. Scotland. Charles
I 20 pence S5588; 1695 6 pence S5690. Mostly Very Good or so. 15 pieces
1015Netherlands Indies; Indonesia selection.Indonesia. Netherlands
Indies (3, copper VF or better); VOC 1790, 1793. Fine Indonesia. 1-50
Sen, 1-100 Rupiah (35). Mostly Uncirculated; Irian Barat (4) and Riau
Archipelago (5) Mostly Uncirculated. 44 Pieces. ����������������������������Est.
1016Selection of Irish coinage. 1600-1966.Ireland. James I Shilling;
Shilling June 1690 gun money; George III Halfpenny (3); Republic. 1928,
1939 1/2 Crowns; 1966 10 Shillings. Early Coins are Good-Very Good;
20th Century are Fine to Choice VF. 8 pieces.��������������������������������Est.
Italian States, Portugal and Spain
1017 Selection of Minors from some Italian States, Portugal and Spain.Italian States: Genoa, Kingdom of Napoleon; Gorizina; Naples & Sicily,
Papal States; Sardinia. All coppers but the first; Portugal (4); Spain a
holed 2 marvaedis of Ferdinand & Isabella. 12 pieces.�����������������Est.
Leper Colony Coins
1018LeprosariumCoins.Leprosarium Coins. Columbia 1921 1c; Philippines
1913 1 Peso. Very Good. 2 pieces.���������������������������������������������������Est.
1019Russia 5 Copper Kopeks, 1793 “AM” (KM-C-59.2).NGC graded AU
50 BN (Brown), attractive mahogany toning, attractive with a decent
strike and appears Unc. ����������������������������������������������������������������Est.