Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
1049Brazil, Johannes V to Pedro II, and Republic. 1748-1972.Brazil.
Highlights include 960 Reis, 1810B, 1816B and 1819R. Pedro II 2000
Reis (5) and 1000 Reis (3). Also includes a selection of Pedro I counter
stamped coppers. Generally Very Good to Choice Very Fine. Just over
160 pieces. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1050Brazil, Republic. 1828-1989.Brazil. Copper and Copper-Nickel.
All minors. Mostly Very Good to Uncirculated. Just over 230
Cambodia, Cayenne,
1051Album of “C” Countries. Cambodia; Cayenne (French Guiana); Cayman Islands Coin Assortment.Cambodia (10) Includes a 2 ticals
of 1847, holed; Cayenne (French Guiana) 1798 2 Sous (2, one a nice
VF); Cayman Islands (52) includes 15 silver crowns three of which are
in 1974 Franklin Mint proof set in card and an additional 37 minors;
Central American Republic (8) including a 1824 and holed 1839 8 Reales.
Generally Very Good to Very Fine, some quite better. Just over 70 pieces.
1052Canada Sets, 1967-1990.Canada. Mostly 6 piece Unc or PL sets, and
two double (one silver in each) dollar Proof sets in damaged cases. 134
1053Canada Sets, 1991-1992.Canada. Unc and Proof sets. 25
pieces.����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
1054Canada, Victoria to Elizabeth II. Circulating coins. By date.Canada. 1935, 1936 voyageur dollars, plus 25 other silver dollars. Also
includes 30 CN or loonie dollars. Silver Half Dollars (61); 1858 20c in
Good. Including a medal or two. Finally 1988-1991 Silver Ounce coins
(5); A total of 276 pieces.���������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1055Canada Large and Small Cents. Victoria to Elizabeth II.Canada.
Large and Small Cents. 1858-1993. Early dates are Very Good to Very
Fine, later dates are VF to Uncirculated. Just over 160 pieces. �����Est.
1056Canada, Date run of 10 Cent pieces.Canada. 10 Cent pieces. 1881-
1993. Early coins are Fair to Very Good, one or two with holes. Others
are Very Fine to Uncirculated. 110 pieces.������������������������������������Est.
1057Canada, Date run of 5 Cent pieces.Canada. 5 Cent pieces. 1858-1993.
Early coins are Fair to Very Good. Others Very Fine to Uncirculated. A
nice run. Just over 140 pieces. ���������������������������������������������������������Est.
1058Canada, Olympic Silvers from 1976 and town trade dollars.Canada. Olympic Silver 5 and 10 Dollars (14 of each). Uncirculated.
Town trade dollars make up the remainder. Just over 75 pieces. �Est.
Canada - Newfoundland
1059Canada & Newfoundland Victoria to George VI.Canada -
Newfoundland. 50c (23); 25c (2); 20c (16); 10c (24); 5c (17), Coppers
(24); Prince Edward Island (6 including tokens); Nova Scotia (7); New
Brunswick (7); Bank tokens (27 including some trade tokens). Generally
Good to Very Fine. Just over 150 pieces.���������������������������������������Est.
Canada, Nova Scotia
1060Album of Canada information.Canada. 10 pieces���������������������� Est.
Ceylon and Sri Lanka
1061Ceylon and Sri Lanka. Early issues thru Modern.Ceylon and Sri
Lanka. Includes 6 early very early issues, as well as George III 2 Stuivers
and 1957, 5 Rupee. In addition several Victorian issues thru modern.
1971 Proof set in case, and a fantasy Edward VIII brass crown. Mostly
Very Fine or better. A nice range of types. Over 155 pieces.��������Est.
1062Chile, Charles III thru Republic.Chile. Includes 11 Republic Pesos; 6
vulcanite tokens and one CN issue possibly related to the nitrate trade.
Many Minors ranging from Very Good to EF, mostly Fine or so. Gilt
1842 medal. Just over 250 pieces. ��������������������������������������������������Est.
1063China. Empire thru PRC. A wide range of types.China. Empire
thru PRC. Includes 15 Silver Yuan or Dollars (two are already labeled on
holders as good copies), includes additional large silver of Sinkiang (2);
Szechuan, Kwangtung. Additional issues of Taiwan (1965 4-piece mint
set) and Mongolia included as well as 1989 and 1990 10 Yuan pandas. Just
over 255 pieces. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
China, Empire
1064Chinese Cash, Bridge Money.China, Empire. Cash Coins, Identified
fromHan Dynasty to 1910. Classic identified Chinese Cash, with all their
personalities, and some machine struck 10 Cash to round things out. Just
over 160 pieces. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.