Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26,2016
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.com 1093Great Britain, Florins, Shillings, 10, 5, 2 pence. Victoria thru Elizabeth II.Great Britain. Includes a 1696 (scrape), 1758, 1816 and 1816
6 pence. includes one 1794 Half Penny. Mostly Good to Very Good on
the early issues and Very Fine and better on the later issues. Some of the
1970s Elizabeth II stuff is Proof. Quite the variety. Just over 335 pieces.
1094Great Britain, Three and Six Pence. George III thru Elizabeth II.Great Britain. Includes 1817-1970 6 pence; 3 Pence 1834-1970. Includes a
2 Pence of 1838. You could become the supplier for wedding sixpences.
Early issues Good to Fine, others much nicer. Just over 265 pieces. � Est.
1095Great Britain,GeorgeV thru Elizabeth II.Great Britain. Half Crowns.
Mostly Very Good to Very Fine. Several Silver issues included. 50 pieces.
1096Great Britain, George III to Elizabeth II. 1/4 Farthings to Crowns andTrade Dollars.Great Britain. Quite the smattering. Includes British
Guiana (2); 1/4 Farthing, 1/3 Farthing; 6 Pence, Shillings; Trade Dollars
(2); Silver Crowns (2); Half Crowns (19); George III 3 Shilling Bank
Token and some halfpenny; Several coronation medals in base metal.
Many Good-Very Good, some much better. Just over 70 pieces. �Est.
1097Greece, Ancient to Modern selection.Greece. includes 6 ancient
to Byzantine identified coppers; Kingdom to Republic Silver crowns
(3); plus many minor silvers and base metal issues in nice date runs.
Generally Fine and better. Just over 190 pieces. ���������������������������Est.
Greenland, Guadalupe, Guernsey
1098Greenland; Guadeloupe; Guernsey; Essequibo & Demara; and Guyana Group lot.Greenland (2); Guadeloupe (3); Guernsey (62);
Essequibo & Demara (5); Guyana (50) including 1976 and 1977 8
piece Franklin Mint Proof set in card (with large silver pieces. 122
1099Guatemala, Charles IV-FerdinandVII and Carrera. Republic issues. One 8 real from Central American Republic.Guatemala. 8 Reales
1818M, 1820M; Pesos (10). Some silver with the early minors, otherwise
a nice group of Copper-Nickel. Some early dates Good-Very Good, later
dates Very Fine and better. Just over 175 pieces.���������������������������Est.
Haiti, Hejaz, Honduras
1100Album of “H” Countries, Includes Haiti; Hejaz; Honduras, Hutt River Province.Haiti (91); Hejaz (3); Honduras (60) Hutt River
Province (1 silver, 4 others); . Haiti includes some small silvers of the
1800s, and the large 25 Gourdes of 1867; with 4 other large silvers and
some 1840s-50s coppers. Honduras includes a bunch of 1800s issues.
Some Good-Very Good, others Very Fine and better. Over 155 pieces.
Hong Kong
1101Hong Kong, Victoria thru Elizabeth II. 1860s thru 1980s.Hong
Kong. Includes silver 5, 10 and 20 cent pieces as well as plenty of date
runs of the other minors. Mostly Very Good to Very Fine. A 1988
Uncirculated set is also included. Just over 195 pieces.�����������������Est.
Iceland; Indonesia; Ionian Islands.
1102 Iceland; Indonesia; Ionian Islands Coin Assortment.Iceland 1974
1000 and 500 Kronur, otherwise mostly nice minors in long date runs;
Indonesia including Riau and Irian Jaya 500 and 250 Rupiah 1970 Proofs
otherwise nice minors; Ionian Islands (5 - 3 1819 Others UWC form
1966). Just over 221 pieces.������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1103 India, Republic issues.India. Includes Silver 50, 20, 10 Rupees (5)
plus many nice CN 10 Rupee commemoratives. Long date and mint
runs of the minors. Mostly Very Fine to Uncirculated. Just over 270
1104India, Proof and Uncirculated Sets.India. Republic. Uncirculated
Sets 1969 Ghandi Centennial. Proof Set 1969, 1970, 1973, 1974, 1975.
The later are in hard plastic cases with card and card covers. Some nice
large silver coins included. 54 pieces.��������������������������������������������Est.
India Princely States
1105 India Princely States, Alwar, Assam, Baroda, Bhopalo, Cambay, Bombay, Bahawalpur, Bharatpur, Bengal, Mysore, Madras,Datia, Dhar, Cochin, Deccan, Gujarat, Delhi, Hyderabad, and
most of the other states thru Mewar.
India Princely States. Mostly
coppers, although a smattering of silver. One gold Fanam of Mysore.
All identified. Generally Very Good or better. Album of over 185 pieces.
India, British & Portuguese
1106India under Colonial Powers.British India. William IV thru George
VI. includes many silver rupees (18), half and quarter rupees. A few
E.I.C. coppers. Portuguese India (11). Many early issues Good-Very
Good, others Very Fine and better. Just over 165 pieces. �������������Est.
India, British & Republic
1107Group of India minors.India. British & Republic. Minors. Coppers,
Copper-Nickel and brass. Early issues Good to Fine, others better. Just
over 210 pieces. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Indian Princely States
1108Kutch, Kuchawan, Travancore, Jaunpur, Sikhs, Ratlam, Pudukkottai, Kushan, Gwailor, Jaora, Radhanpur, Nawangar, Sind, MoghulEmpire, Sailana, in addition to French India and
Dutch India.
India Princely States. Includes a rupee of Kuchawan,
Sikhs; several Fanam of Travancore and numerous coppers of various
shapes and forms. Generally Very Good to Very Fine. Just over 120
Iran, Iraq
1109Iran and Iraq album.Iran and Iraq. Just about 10 early hammered
pieces; Silver 5 Krus, 5000 Dinars (2); Iraq. Fasil I to Fasil III issues. First
group is VF or bit better, others Fine to VF. Just over 125 pieces.Est.
1110 Ireland, A few coppers from 1780-1823, but mostly Republicissues.
Ireland. Coppers of George III and George IV (5); One silver
florin, otherwise all CN or bronze issues. Good or so on the 19th century
issues; Very Good or so on the pre-war and Very Fine and better on the
post war strikes. Just over 150 pieces. �������������������������������������������Est.
Isle of Man
1111 Isle of Man, Huge run ofCopper-NickelCrowns.Isle of Man. Includes
the date runs and many types of the minors. Mostly thru 1988. Generally
Choice VF to Uncirculated. Just over 135 pieces. �������������������������Est.
1112 Israel, Modern Uncirculated Sets.Israel. Uncirculated sets for 1980,
1984, 1985, 1986-1987, 1987-88. Piedfort set for 1981, 1982, 1983 65