Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIV
July 26, 2016
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comNew York
845 American Express Company, 1863 Stock Certificate With Wells, Fargo & Holland Signatures.New York, NY, 2 Shares, I/U stock
certificate. Capital Stock 6,000 Shares at $500 each, Black border with
locomotive left to right underneath curved title, Signatures of William
Fargo, Alex Holland and Henry Wells as president. VF-XF condition.
S/N 3484, Rare early type and historic stock certificate. Printer: John H.
Duyckinck. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
846 Coshocton and Great Bend Turnpike Road Issued Stock.1809,
1 Share, Issued Stock, Black on black border and underprint, VF-XF
condition. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
847 Sixth Massachusetts Turnpike, 1801 Stock Certificate.Massachusetts, January, 26th, 1801, 1 Share, Issued and uncancelled,
Black on plain form, S/N 966, Issued to the President & Directors of
the Union Bank, signed by Jonathan Warner as president and F Blake as
clerk, seal on upper left, the inner page has note “ I hereby certify, that
twenty-five dollars have been paid on the within Share No.966, Moses
Whrith, Treas.”, VF to XF condition. ���������������������������������������Est.
848 Helena Gas Light and Coke Co., 1890 Specimen Bond.Helena,
Montana. $1000 Specimen 1st Mortgage, 6% Gold Coupon Bond, Black
on green border and underprint, gas storage tanks on top, VF condition,
rare early Montana state Gas and mining related bond. ABNC. �Est.
New York
849 Niagara Falls Power Co., 1891 Specimen Bond.Niagara Falls, New
York, 1891, $1000, Specimen 5% Registered Gold Bond, Brick red Border
with Niagara Falls on left and Native American at bottom with Cherubs
on top right, POC, Fine to VF with minor small tears in margins, rare
and dramatic design. ABNC. ��������������������������������������������������������Est.
850 Niagara Falls Power Co., Specimen Bond.New York, 1936, $10000,
1st and Refunding 3 1/2% Mortgage Specimen Bond, Horizontal
format, Vignette of the Niagara Falls top center, POC’s blue SPECIMEN
overprints and blue s/n “00000”, VF condition, ABNC. ���������������Est.