Archives International Auctions- AIA XXX
December 14, 2015
2148 Farmers Bank of China. 1942 Issue.China. 50Yuan. SCWPM 479.
Steam train at left. Very Fine or better and very nice. Paper dimple
and staple hole mentioned for accuracy. ���������������������������Est.
2149 Farmers Bank of China, Banknote Specimen, 1945 Issue.China,
1945, 500 Yuan, P-Unlisted, Specimen, Orange on light blue with
bank logo on top, “000000” serial numbers, The Farmers Bank of
China, Counterfoil on top, AU-Unc., Yong An Wan You Publisher.
Rare. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
2150 Farmers Bank of China, 1945Uniface Front and BackSpecimens.China, 1945, 1000Yuan, P-Unlisted, Specimen, Purple on light blue
with bank logo on top, “000000” serial numbers,The Farmers Bank
of China, Counterfoil on top, the face is AU-Uncirculated With a
small hole on the lower right corner, the back is Uncirculated to CU,
Yong AnWanYou Publisher. Rare. �������������������������������������Est.
2151 Fixed Term, Interest Bearing Treasury Notes, 1919-1920 Banknote Issue Trio.China, Lot of 3 notes, Includes 1/2 Yuan,
P-626, S/M#T185-1-, Blue, AU with a pin hole on the lower right; 1
Yuan, P-627, S/M#T185-01-, Orange, Fine with a hinge remnant on
the back; and 5 Yuan, P-628, S/M#T185-11-, Green, AU. Attractive
trio of note. BEPP.�������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
2152 Land Bank of China , Limited, 1931 Banknote Trio.Shanghai,
China, Lot of 3 notes, Includes $1, P-504, S/M#C285-10, Choice Fine
with bright colors, temple at middle, large even margins but rough
edges on top and bottom middle and a light stain on the top right,
listed as red on green in the SCWPM with red back, this example
is brown on green and possibly a color variety with red back; $5,
P-505, S/M#C285-11, green on red underprint, Temple in middle,
back yellow, Fine to Choice Fine with a stain on the left top border
and graffiti on the back margins, still rare in any condition and only
one previous note has been graded in the PMG census; $10, P-506,
S/M#C285-12, Orange-yellow (Listed asYellow in SCWPM),Temple
in middle, back dark green, overprint seals on left and right of face,
No notes are listed in the PMG census. Rare offering from this
scarce bank. �������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
2153 Land Bank of China, 1926 “Shanghai” Issue Banknote.Shanghai,
China, 1926, 5 Yuan, P-502a, S/M# C285-2a, Issued banknote,
Purple on green underprint, Cliffs left, temple middle-right, graffiti
on back and face, S/N 248342, Choice Fine to VF, rare in any form,
large even margins, W&S. �����������������������������������������������Est.