Archives International Auctions AIA XXX
December 14, 2015
Archives International Auctions
2131 Central Bank of China, 1945 Uniface Specimen Banknote.China,
1000Yuan, P-296s, Unlisted as a specimen, Red with P’ai-lou Gate
in middle, back blue, Specimen Chinese Characters, POC, S/N
AA000000-1077, AU to Uncirculated, large even margins and fresh
appearance. Chinese Printer 7 Characters. ������������������������ Est.
2132 Central Bank of China, 1948 Customs Gold Units Issue Proof.China, P-359pp S/M#C301-64. Progressive proof or border and
vignette, no back, PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 64, ABNC.
Rare note in this format. �������������������������������������������������� Est.
2133 Central Bank of China, Unlisted Essay Banknote, 1949Gold Chin Yuan IssueUniface Front and Back Specimens.China, 1949. 5,000
GoldYuan. Series 1A. (PMG designated P-UNL5000as) P-Unlisted.
Uniface front and back specimen banknotes in green.CKS in center.
Red Chinese specimen overprint, “00000” serial numbers and POC
with back of each with blank “Approved for Production”. Face is
PMG gradedGemUncirculated 66 EPQ (Exceptional PaperQuality)
and back is graded Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ (Exceptional Paper
Quality). Horizontal note. SBNC.������������������������������������ Est.
2134 Central Bank of China, Unlisted Essay Banknote, 1949 Gold ChinYuan Issue Uniface Front and Back Specimens.China, 1949.
500,000 Gold Yuan. Series 00A. (PMG designated P-UNL500Kas)
P-Unlisted. Uniface front and back specimen banknotes in
green. CKS in center. Red Chinese specimen overprint, “00000”
serial numbers and POC with back of each with “Specimen” and
control number. Face is PMG graded Gem Uncirculated 66 EPQ
(Exceptional PaperQuality) and back is gradedChoiceUncirculated
64 EPQ (Exceptional Paper Quality). Horizontal note. The back
of the face has a serial number with star. The back of the reverse
has “Color O.K. 5-2-(1949), SBNC. Rare high denomination essay
banknote. The PMG census lists only three faces and 2 backs
graded. ������������������������������������������������������������������������ Est.
2135 Central Bank of China. 1941 Proof.China. 100 Yuan. Security
Bank Note Co. Proof of 3 images, face and back, in blue.
Very fragile paper note with evidence of chipping and paper
2136 Central Bank of China. Group of 36.China - Republic. Many
issues with little duplication. Includes SCWPM 263, 268a, 273,
278, 280, 288, 293, 305, 306 (split and repaired), 313, 375-386 and
many others. Included are some Customs Gold Units 1930 and
1928 National issues. Generally Very Good-Fine, a few better.
Some with rust around staple holes, rough edges and graffiti.
36 pieces. �������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.