Archives International Auctions AIA XXX
December 14, 2015
Archives International Auctions
2142 Farmers Bank of China, 1940 Third Provisional Issue Pair.China.
ND (1940 - old Date 1937), Lot of 2 notes, both overprinted on
Szechuan Provincial Bank 1937 Issues, Includes 5 Yuan, P-470
S/M#C290-64,Green onm/c, back green,VF toChoiceVF condition,
overprinted on P-S2823; and 10Yuan, P-471 S/M#C290-67, purple
on m/c, overprinted on P-S2824 appears VF but a there is a strong
horizontal middle fold. Seldom seen at auction.��������������� Est.
2143 Farmers Bank of China, 1940 First Provisional Issue Pair.Hankow, China. ND (1940 - old Date 1929), Lot of 2 notes, Includes
5 Yuan, P-467a S/M#C290-63b, Green on m/c, Pagoda in middle,
back orange with additional arched purple overprint that deserve
additional research, VF condition, overprinted on P-S2105; and
10 Yuan, P-468 S/M#C290-66, Red on m/c, Pagoda at left, back
purple, overprinted on P-S2106 appears VF but a mouse evidently
had a good meal on the lower left 1/5th of a note, still attractive.
The issue is overprinted on Hupeh Provincial Banknotes. ABNC.
2144 FarmersBankofChina,1940FourthProvisional“Reconstruction”Issue.
Chungking, China. (1940 - old Date 1937), 50 Yuan, P-472
S/M#C290-71, Blue and green, Buildings at center, Overprinted on
S2816, Szechuan Provincial Government Banknote, Fine to Choice
Fine condition with a strong middle vertical fold and small rust
spot on the top left corner, otherwise, bright colors and large even
margins adds to the desirability of this rare note. First time handled
by us. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Est.
2145 FarmersBankofChina,1940FourthProvisional“Reconstruction”Issue.
Chungking, China. (1940 - old Date 1937), 100 Yuan, P-473
S/M#C290-72, Orange and yellow, Buildings at left and right,
Overprinted on S2817, Szechuan Provincial Government Banknote,
Fine to VF condition with a strong middle vertical fold, otherwise,
bright colors and large even margins adds to the desirability of this
rare note. First time handled by us. ��������������������������������Est.
2146 Farmers Bank of China. 1940 Provisional Issue.China. 1 Yuan.
SCWPM 466. Pagoda at right. Hand stamps. Fair-Good. Ink and
stamps graffiti.�������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
2147 Farmers Bank of China. 1941 Issue.China. 50, 100, 500 Yuan.
SCWPM 476b, 477b (corner paper loss), 478. City canal scene at
center. Some with stains. Very Fine for condition except as noted. 3
pieces. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.