Archives International Auctions AIA XXX
December 14, 2015
Archives International Auctions
2180 Central Reserve Bank of China. Plus.China. 1, 10, 200 Yuan.
SCWPM J8 (with additional hand stamp); J9b, c(2); J12c; J19a, J30.
Many with staple holes or rubber band tone, Generally Very Good
to Fine. Plus two Russia 500 Ruble notes, 1912. SCWPM 14b (2).
Fine or a bit better. 9 pieces. ���������������������������������������������Est.
2181 Federal Reserve Bank of China, ND (1945) Issue.China, 5000
Yuan, P-J92a, S/M#C286-95, Issued banknote, Brown, State Stone
Barge on left,VF with wear on the top and bottommiddle margins.
China - Reference Books
2182 Chinese Coins & Paper Money reference book.Completely in
Chinese. From cowry shells thru People’s Republic (1987). 242
pages plus appendixes. Hardcover, with dust jacket. Full color
throughout. 7-1/2 x 10 inches. Has seen light use.����������������Est.
2183 Bank of Taiwan, 1946 Issue.China - Taiwan. 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500,
1000 Yuan. SCWPM 1935, 1936, 1937 (2), 1938, 1939, 1940 (edge
nick), 1943 (edge nick). SunYat Sen at center, bank building at left
and island map at right. Generally Very Fine or better, but many
with light edge tone and staple holes. 8 pieces. ����������������Est.
2184 Bank of Taiwan, 1949 “Tachen” Issue.Taiwan, China. 1950 (1952),
10Yuan, P-R143 S/M#T76-20, Issued banknote, Blue on light yellow
underprint, SYS top center, back blue, Vertical format, 7 Chinese
character overprint left and right vertically flanking denomination.
S/N Z748571A, Choice XF to AU condition with one light horizontal
fold keeping this lovely note from AU, Scarce Tachen branch issue
rarely seen this nice. There has been only one note previously
graded in the PMG census. FPFT����������������������������������������� Est.
2185 BankofTaiwan,1949to1955BranchIssueBanknoteAssortment.Taiwan, China. Lot of 19 notes, Highlights include 1950, 10 Yuan,
P-R116 or R117, in Choice VF to XF; 1950 (1952) Fractional Issues 10
cents and 50 cents (2); 1Yuan, P-R101 and R102 (3); 1954-59, 1Yuan
(8) and 1955 (1959) 5Yuan, P-R121 (3). Please inspect. Sold “As Is”,
no returns accepted. ���������������������������������������������������������Est.
2186 Bank of Taiwan, 1950 Branch Issue Sequential Banknote Trio.Taiwan, China. Lot of 3 sequential notes, all are 1950 (195?), 10
Yuan, Issued banknotes, Blue on light yellow underprint, SYS top
center, back blue, Vertical format, 5 Chinese character overprint
left and right vertically flanking denomination on face, Chin Men
on left and right on back, S/N D786598U - D786600U, the notes
appear CU but due to minor corner tip issues on the lower left and
right, the notes would grade Choice AU condition. Attractive and
rare banknotes (3) �������������������������������������������������������������Est.