Archives International Auctions- AIA XXX
December 14, 2015
2187 Bank of Taiwan, 1955 (1956) “Kinmen (Quemoy)” Issue.Taiwan, China. Lot of 3 notes. All are 1955 (1956), 5 Yuan, P-R108
S/M#T74-40, Issued banknotes, Violet face, SYS top center, back
violet, Vertical format, 5 Chinese character overprint left and right
vertically flanking denomination. The notes grade AU to Choice
AU; Choice VF and Choice XF with graffiti on the face. Attractive
trio of banknotes. PFBT.����������������������������������������������������� Est.
2188 Central Reserve Bank of China, 1943 Specimen Assortment.China, Lot of 6 Specimens, Includes 10 Yuan, J-20s; 100 Yuan,
J-23s; 500 Yuan, P-J25s and P-26s?; 500 Yuan, P-J27s and P-28s;
the 500 Yuan notes have mounting remnants on the left or right
back margins, all but one of the 500Yuan notes haveYang Pen and
Specimen overprints, a single 500Yuan has a Mi-hon overprint, All
with POCs and “00000” serial numbers, mostly Choice Fine to AU.
Scarce as specimens. ������������������������������������������������������Est.
2189 Central Reserve Bank of China, 1943 Specimen Quartet.China,
Lot of 4 Specimens, Includes 10 Yuan, J-20s; 100 Yuan, J-23s;
500 Yuan, P-J27s and P-28s, the 500 Yuan notes have mounting
remnants on the left back, all have Yang Pen and Specimen
overprints, the 10Yuan has POCs, mostly Choice Fine toAU. Scarce
as specimens.��������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
2190 Central Reserve Bank of China, 1944 and 1945 Issue BanknotePair.
China, Lot of 2 notes, Includes 1944, 10,000Yuan, P-J39a, AU
withmounting remnants on back corners that can be removed; and
1945, 5000 Yuan, P-J42a, XF-AU with mounting remnants on back
corners. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
2191 Central Reserve Bank of China, 1944 Specimen Pair.China, Lot
of 2 Specimens, Both are 10,000 Yuan notes, P J38s, both with
Yang Pen overprints, “000” serial numbers, both with POC’s. SYS in
middle. One Fine and the second XF with pin holes and a small out
of the right margin.�����������������������������������������������������������Est.
2192 Central Reserve Bank of China, 1944 SpecimenTrio.China, Lot of
3 Specimens, Includes 100 Yuan, P-J29s; 200 Yuan, P-J30s and 500
Yuan, P-J31 or J32, all withYang Pen overprints, “000” or “000000”
serial numbers, all with POC’s. SYS inmiddle. XF-AUwithmounting
remnants on back margins. ���������������������������������������������� Est.