Archives International Auctions AIA XXX
December 14, 2015
Archives International Auctions
2037 DuraNote Predecessor Polymer Banknote Advertising NoteSpecimens.
ND, ca.1980-90’s, Lot of 7 different polymer
sample notes with different security elements added. All are 100
Denomination notes with oil platform on front and back with oil
wagon being pulled by horses, Includes security elements with
colorful and ornate designs, all with variations of the translucent
silver and gold securitywindows on the counterfoil margins and one
with Beethoven.The notes were part of a project fromMobil Oil for
testing petroleum based hydrocarbon polymer paper for printing
banknotes. All are in Choice to GemUncirculated condition. Scarce
and attractive.�����������������������������������������������������������������Est.
2038 DuraNote Predecessor Polymer Banknote Advertising NoteSpecimens.
ND, ca.1980-90’s, Lot of 2 different polymer sample
noteswithout security elements added. Both are 100Denomination
notes with oil platform on front and back with oil wagon being
pulled by horses. One has a partially printed back and the second is
printed on very light yellow paper with printers notations and both
are rare varieties.The notes were part of a project fromMobilOil for
testing petroleum based hydrocarbon polymer paper for printing
banknotes. All are in Choice to GemUncirculated condition. Scarce
and attractive.�������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
2039 DuraNote Predecessor Polymer Banknote Advertising NoteSpecimens.
ND, ca.1980-90’s, Lot of 6 different polymer
sample notes with different security elements added. All are 100
Denomination notes with oil platform on front and back with oil
wagon being pulled by horses, Includes security elements with
colorful and ornate designs, all with variations of the translucent
silver and gold security windows on the counterfoil margins. The
notes were part of a project from Mobil Oil for testing petroleum
based hydrocarbon polymer paper for printing banknotes.
All are in Choice to Gem Uncirculated condition. Scarce and
attractive. �����������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
2040 DuraNote Predecessor Polymer Banknote Advertising NoteSpecimens.
ND, ca.1980-90’s, Lot of 5 different polymer
sample notes with different security elements added. All are 100
Denomination notes with oil platform on front and back with oil
wagon being pulled by horses, Includes security elements with
colorful and ornate designs featuring maple leafs as windows or
opaque, all with variations of the translucent silver and gold security
windows on the counterfoil margins. The notes were part of a
project from Mobil Oil for testing petroleum based hydrocarbon
polymer paper for printing banknotes. All are in Choice to Gem
Uncirculated condition. Scarce and attractive. ����������������Est.