Archives International Auctions- AIA XXX
December 14, 2015
2063 China & South Sea Bank, Limited, 1932 Shanghai Issue.Shanghai, China, 1932, 5 Yuan, P-A133, S/M#C295-40, Choice Fine
to VF with a small hole on the top right excess margin and a small
area of rust stain on the bottom middle, firm paper, bright colors
and nice large even margins add to the desirability of this scarce
note. TDLR����������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
2064 Commercial Bank of China, 1920 “Tael Issue” SpecimenBanknote.
Shanghai, China. 1920, 1 Tael, P-A134s, S/M #293-30,
Specimen banknote, Confucius at center, Blue on m/c, back brown,
Specimen overprint, POC and “000000” serial numbers. PMG
graded Choice Uncirculated 64 with 4 large margins, bright colors,
exceptional paper quality and sharp corners with 2 small areas on
the top front and back margins of archival graffiti. ABNC. Rare
“Tael Issue”. ������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
2065 Commercial Bank of China, 1920 Issued Banknote.Shanghai,
China, $1, P-1, S/M#C293-40, Issued banknote, Black on m/c,
back green, VG to Choice VG condition with normal wear for issue,
Worthy at center, ABNC. ���������������������������������������������������Est.
2066 Commercial Bank of China, 1920 Issue Banknote Pair.Shanghai,
China. 1920, Lot of 2 issued notes, both with Worthy standing in
middle, Includes $5, P-3 S/M#C293-42, purple on m/c, Choice Fine
to VF; and $5, P-4A S/M#C293-, Brown on m/c, Choice VG to Fine.
Scarce notes. ABNC. ���������������������������������������������������������Est.
2067 Commercial Bank of China, 1920 Issued Banknote.Shanghai,
China, $10, P-5b, S/M#C293-44, Issued banknote, Yellow on m/c,
back yellow, VG to ChoiceVG condition with normal wear for issue,
small chips out of bottom and top edges and small tear at top right,
Worthy at center, ABNC. ���������������������������������������������������Est.
2068 Commercial Bank of China, 1920 Issued Banknote.Shanghai,
China, $10, P-6b, S/M#C293-45, Issued banknote, red on m/c,
back brown, VG to Choice VG condition with normal wear for
issue, small chips out of bottom and top edges, Worthy at center,