Archives International Auctions- AIA XXX
December 14, 2015
2007 Imperial Chinese Government Hukuang Railways 1911 GoldLoan
Issued by the J.P. Morgan & Co. 100 Pounds. Rose Border.
English text. With Coupons. 5 pieces. ��������������������������������Est.
2008 Imperial Chinese Government, 1911 5%Tientsin-Pukow RailwayGroup.
China. 5% Tientsin-Pukow Railway Supplementary Loan.
100 Pounds. Chinese Central Railways Ltd. London. 1911. Green
border and underprint, with a few coupons on each. Fine, rough
edges. 4 pieces. ����������������������������������������������������������������Est.
2009 Imperial Chinese Government, 1911 5%Tientsin-Pukow RailwayGroup.
China. 5% Tientsin-Pukow Railway Supplementary Loan.
100 Pounds. Chinese Central Railways Ltd. London. 1911. Green
border and underprint, with a few coupons on each. Fine-Very Fine,
some with tape and rough edges. 4 pieces. ����������������������Est.
2010 Imperial Chinese Government, 1911 5%Tientsin-Pukow RailwayGroup.
China. 5% Tientsin-Pukow Railway Loan. 100 Pounds.
Chinese Central Railways Ltd. London. 1908. Orange border and
underprint, with coupons. Fine, rough edges. 3 pieces. ����� Est.
2011 Imperial Chinese Government, 1911 5%Tientsin-Pukow RailwayGroup.
China. 5% Tientsin-Pukow Railway Loan. 100 Pounds.
Chinese Central Railways Ltd. London. 1908. Orange border and
underprint, with coupons. Fine, rough edges. 4 pieces. ����Est.
2012 Imperial Chinese Government, 1911 5%Tientsin-Pukow RailwayGroup.
China. 5% Tientsin-Pukow Staatseisenbahn Erganzungs-
Anleihe. 1910. 20 Pounds. Deutsche-Asiatische Bank. Green border
with rose underprint, with coupons. Fine, rough edges. 5 pieces.