Archives International Auctions- AIA XXX
December 14, 2015
www.archivesinternational.comWORLD BANKNOTES
2050 Agricultural Bank of Four Provinces, 1933 Issue.China, 1 Yuan,
P-A87a (S/M#S110-10), Issued banknote, Brown on light yellow,
back blue and green, Printer: TYPC. Fine to VF with toning spots, a
small area of rub on the lower right, but 4 large even margins and
nice colors, rare note in any condition. �����������������������������Est.
2051 Agricultural and Industrial Bank ofChina, 1927 “Shanghai” Issue.Shanghai, China, 5Yuan, P-A101a, S/M#C287-16, Issued banknote,
green on m/c, back green, Almost good condition, reinforced on
back with tears, edge faults and small chips missing, still very rare
in any condition. BEPP ������������������������������������������������������Est.
2052 Agricultural and Industrial Bank of China, 1932 “Shanghai”Issue.
Shanghai, China, 1 Yuan, P-A109a, S/M# C287-40, Issued
banknote, Red on m/c, back red, man plowing with water buffalo,
Choice Fine. ABNC. Rare issued in any condition.��������������Est.
2053 Agricultural and Industrial Bank of China, 1932 “Shanghai”Issue.
Shanghai, China, 5 Yuan, P-A110b, S/M# C287-41B, Issued
banknote, green on m/c, back green, Choice Fine to VF condition,
ABNC. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
2054 Agricultural and Industrial Bank of China, 1932 “Shanghai”Issue.
Shanghai, China, 10 Yuan, P-A111b, S/M# C287-42b, Issued
banknote, Purple on m/c, back purple, VG to Choice VG with small
edge faults and small chips missing, still very rare in any condition.
ABNC. Rare issued in any condition.����������������������������������Est.
2055 Agricultural and Industrial Bank of China, 1934 “Shanghai”Issue.
Shanghai, China, 1 Yuan, P-A112, S/M# C287-50a, Issued
banknote, Red on m/c, back red, man plowing with water buffalo,
Choice Fine. ABNC. Rare issued in any condition.��������������Est.
2056 Bank of Agriculture and Commerce, 1926 Issue Banknote Pair.Shanghai, China. Lot of 2 notes, both are 1926 issues, Includes 1
Yuan, P-A118a, Good to Good+ with pieces missing, high wear and
top right corner missing; and 5Yuan P-119a, S/M# N23-11a, Choice
Good to VG, Both by ABNC. Rare notes in any form and especially
issued. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.