Archives International Auctions AIA XXIX Part I
October 24, 2015
Archives International Auctions
366 Confederate States Bond. $100. Cr.40, B-97. Trans-MississippiIssue.
Issued at Houston, signed by James Sorley. Mallory at top
center, 23 coupons. Paper tone. VF. �������������������������������������Est.
367 Confederate States Bond. $1000. Cr.122, B-241.Lieutenant
General “Stonewall” Jackson at top center, 7 coupons. AU. � Est.
368 Confederate States Bond. $1000. Cr.122, B-252. Trans-MississippiIssue.
Issued at Shreveport, signed by H.J.G. Battle. Lieutenant
General “Stonewall” Jackson at top center, 7 coupons. VF. ��Est.
369 Confederate States Bond. $1000. Cr.125A, B-210.Jefferson Davis
at top left, Richmond city view at top right, 7 coupons. Dutch hand
stamp on back. Paper watermarked “C ANSELL 1863”. VF. �� Est.
370 Confederate States Bond. $1000. Cr.144A, B-323a. Trans- Mississippi Issue.Issued at Marshall, signed by M. J. Hall on back.
Equestrian State of Equestrian Statue of George Washington at top
center, 58 coupons. VF.��������������������������������������������������������Est.
371 Confederate States Bond. $1000. Cr.144E, B330.Equestrian Statue
of George Washington at top center, 58 coupons. 6th Series. Old
tape repair at top right. F+.�������������������������������������������������� Est.
372 Confederate States Bond. $1000. Cr.149, B-360.Sergeant standing
in front of tent, 39 coupons. 1,100 issued, VF. ���������������������� Est.
373 Confederate States Bond. $1000. Cr.165, B-384.Sailor reclining on
cotton bale holding Confederate flag, 19 coupons. Paper separation
at folds, repaired. F+. ����������������������������������������������������������Est.