Archives International Auctions- AIA XXIX Part I
October 24,2015
Archives International Auctions
401 U.S. Savings Bond, Series EE ca. 1983-1997 BondAssortment.Lot
of 6 different bonds, all Series EE with different denominations and
signed by the Secretary of the Treasury, Robert E. Rubin, Includes
$50; $75; $100; $200; $500 and $1000, all are on IBM punch card
size paper. All are cancelled. All were issued in various states and
cancelled in Louisiana. All are in AU to Uncirculated condition. From
a new find of U.S. modern savings bonds. ��������������������������� Est.
402 U.S. Savings Bond, Series EE ca. 1991-1994 BondAssortment.Lot
of 7 different bonds, all Series EE with different denominations and
signed by the Secretary of the Treasury, Nicholas F. Brady, Includes
$50; $75; $200; $500; $1000; $5000 and $10,000, all are on IBM punch
card size paper. All were issued in various states and cancelled in
Louisiana. All are inAU toUncirculated condition. From a new find of
U.S. modern savings bonds. ���������������������������������������������� Est.
403 U.S. Savings Bond, Series EE, ca. 1985-2010 Bond Assortment.Lot of 6 different bonds, all Series EE with different denominations
and signed by various Secretary’s of the Treasury, Includes $50; $75;
$100; $200; $500 and $1000, all are on IBM punch card size paper.
All are cancelled and were issued in various states and cancelled in
Louisiana. All are inAU toUncirculated condition. From a new find of
U.S. modern savings bonds. ������������������������������������������������ Est.
404 U.S. Savings Bond, Series EE, ca. 1995-2007 Bond Assortment.Lot of 6 different bonds, all Series EE with different denominations
and signed by various Secretary of the Treasury including Bentsen,
Snow and O’Neil, Includes $50 (1); $100 (2); $500 (1); $1000 (2),
all are on IBM punch card size paper. All are cancelled and were
issued in various states and cancelled in Louisiana. All are in AU to
Uncirculated condition. From a new find of U.S. modern savings
bonds. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
405 U.S. Savings Bond, Series I, 2007 “Gulf Coast Recovery Bond” .Series I, signed by the Secretary of the Treasury, John W. Snow,
$50, Albert Einstein, on IBM punch card size paper. Issued in Texas
and cancelled in Louisiana. Uncirculated condition. From a new
find of U.S. modern savings bonds. Evidently issued after Katrina
devastated that Gulf Coast. Rare. ����������������������������������������Est.
406 U.S. Savings Bond, Series I, ca. 2001-2010 Bond Assortment.Lot
of 8 different bonds, all are Series I with different denominations
and signed by a different Secretary’s of the Treasury, All are on IBM
punch card size paper. All were issued in various states and cancelled
in Louisiana. All are inAU toUncirculated condition. From a new find
of U.S. modern savings bonds. �������������������������������������������� Est.